&1Step right
2-3Left right (walking)
4-6Spin abruptly
&8Hands slap the person in front of you on the bum (if front row, wave)
1-2Clap on the spot while toe, in, out
3&4Out, in, out with right leg
5Behind with right
6&7Side with left and cross in front with right
17-18Slide to right diagonally on right foot
19-20Dragging left foot behind on both counts
&21&22Hop on left, reverse weight onto right and jump again
24Step left over right, step back on the right, step side on left
Rub your belly while doing that left jazz box on the spot
25Right shuffle forward on a right, left, right
26-27Step forward left, lock right behind, step forward left
28&29Stomp, lift heels up off the floor with two claps, drop heels
30-32Clap 12 times making a ¼ turn left while moving
Over those 12 claps contains 4 (a) count on the twelve claps on clap number 5, 6, 7, 8 while making a ¼ turn to the left on a right step, turn ¼
2-3Left right (walking)
4-6Spin abruptly
&8Hands slap the person in front of you on the bum (if front row, wave)
1-2Clap on the spot while toe, in, out
3&4Out, in, out with right leg
5Behind with right
6&7Side with left and cross in front with right
17-18Slide to right diagonally on right foot
19-20Dragging left foot behind on both counts
&21&22Hop on left, reverse weight onto right and jump again
24Step left over right, step back on the right, step side on left
Rub your belly while doing that left jazz box on the spot
25Right shuffle forward on a right, left, right
26-27Step forward left, lock right behind, step forward left
28&29Stomp, lift heels up off the floor with two claps, drop heels
30-32Clap 12 times making a ¼ turn left while moving
Over those 12 claps contains 4 (a) count on the twelve claps on clap number 5, 6, 7, 8 while making a ¼ turn to the left on a right step, turn ¼