Intermediate east coast swing
Sequence: ABB, Tag 1, ABB, Tag 2, AB, End
1-8Left lindy, right lindy
9-16Left shuffle forward, right shuffle forward, 2 slow push turns right to face the back (left-right-left-right)
17-24Repeat the last line once more to face the front
25-32Left & right slow cucarachas
33-40Left sliding door, right sliding door (turning ¼ left)
41-48Left back Whaletail
49-56Left foot Aida (moving right) (left-right-left), switch (right-left-right)
57-64Left back box turning ¼ right to front
65-68Left jazz jump forward & back
69-72Left side shuffle with right kick, kick
73-76Right side shuffle with left kick, kick
77-80Left shuffle turning ¼ left, forward right cross twisting shuffle
81-88Left cross twisting shuffle forward, same with right foot., left shuffle turning ½ right, rock right back, recover to left
89-92Right shuffle forward, left ramble ¼ right to the back wall
93-96Right ramble forward, walk 2 forward (left, right)
97-128Repeat 65-68, ending at front wall
1-16Vine 7 & touch left & right
1-32Four satin sheets to right
On the last 4 counts, omit 2 steps forward and continue to alternate rambles to the right, ending at the front wall. Music will be fading out
1-8Left behind right, side right, forward left, lock right behind left, side left, close right, cross left behind right, close right
1-4Turn ¼ right as you walk forward with left, turn ¼ to left as you step on right, turn ¼ left as you step back on left, hold
1-4Rock right back, recover on left, turn ¼ right as you step forward on right, hold left beat
1-8Left lindy, right lindy
9-16Left shuffle forward, right shuffle forward, 2 slow push turns right to face the back (left-right-left-right)
17-24Repeat the last line once more to face the front
25-32Left & right slow cucarachas
33-40Left sliding door, right sliding door (turning ¼ left)
41-48Left back Whaletail
49-56Left foot Aida (moving right) (left-right-left), switch (right-left-right)
57-64Left back box turning ¼ right to front
65-68Left jazz jump forward & back
69-72Left side shuffle with right kick, kick
73-76Right side shuffle with left kick, kick
77-80Left shuffle turning ¼ left, forward right cross twisting shuffle
81-88Left cross twisting shuffle forward, same with right foot., left shuffle turning ½ right, rock right back, recover to left
89-92Right shuffle forward, left ramble ¼ right to the back wall
93-96Right ramble forward, walk 2 forward (left, right)
97-128Repeat 65-68, ending at front wall
1-16Vine 7 & touch left & right
1-32Four satin sheets to right
On the last 4 counts, omit 2 steps forward and continue to alternate rambles to the right, ending at the front wall. Music will be fading out
1-8Left behind right, side right, forward left, lock right behind left, side left, close right, cross left behind right, close right
1-4Turn ¼ right as you walk forward with left, turn ¼ to left as you step on right, turn ¼ left as you step back on left, hold
1-4Rock right back, recover on left, turn ¼ right as you step forward on right, hold left beat