Position: Start in Sweetheart, weight on Right
1&2Left shuffle forward
3-4Right forward, left lock behind right
5-8Full turn over right shoulder traveling forward stepping right, left, right, left
Dropping left hand raise right
9-12Right forward diagonally, left behind, right to right side, cross/rock left over right
13-16Recover onto right, left to left side, cross right over left, touch left to side
17-20Back on left, turning ¼ right (man behind lady in cuddle) rock right, left, right
21-22Rock left forward, recover on right
23&24Turn ¼ left and step left, right, left (shuffle)man's steps
25-26MAN: Rock forward right, back on left
LADY: Step forward right, pivot ½ turn left
27&28MAN: Right shuffle back
LADY: Right shuffle forward
Lady now facing man. Hands joined at all times
29-30MAN: Rock back on left, forward onto right
LADY: Forward on left, pivot ½ turn right
31&32MAN: Left shuffle forward
LADY: Left shuffle forward
Lady now on man's left side
The following 32 counts are a repeat of the first half of the dance only on opposite feet
33&34Right shuffle forward
35-36Left forward, right lock behind left
37-40Full turn over left shoulder traveling forward stepping left, right, left, right
41-44Left forward diagonally, right behind, left to left side, cross/rock right over left
45-48Recover onto left, right to right, cross left over right, point right to side
49-52Back on right turning ¼ turn left, (man behind lady in cuddle) rock onto left, right, left
53-54Rock right forward, recover on left
55-56Turn ¼ right and step right, left, right (shuffle)man's steps
57-58MAN: Rock forward left, back right
LADY: Step forward left, pivot ½ turn right
59&60MAN: Left shuffle back
LADY: Left shuffle forward
Lady now facing man. Hands joined at all times
61-62MAN: Rock back on right, forward onto left
LADY: Forward on right, pivot ½ turn left
63&64MAN: Right shuffle forward
LADY: Right shuffle forward
1&2Left shuffle forward
3-4Right forward, left lock behind right
5-8Full turn over right shoulder traveling forward stepping right, left, right, left
Dropping left hand raise right
9-12Right forward diagonally, left behind, right to right side, cross/rock left over right
13-16Recover onto right, left to left side, cross right over left, touch left to side
17-20Back on left, turning ¼ right (man behind lady in cuddle) rock right, left, right
21-22Rock left forward, recover on right
23&24Turn ¼ left and step left, right, left (shuffle)man's steps
25-26MAN: Rock forward right, back on left
LADY: Step forward right, pivot ½ turn left
27&28MAN: Right shuffle back
LADY: Right shuffle forward
Lady now facing man. Hands joined at all times
29-30MAN: Rock back on left, forward onto right
LADY: Forward on left, pivot ½ turn right
31&32MAN: Left shuffle forward
LADY: Left shuffle forward
Lady now on man's left side
The following 32 counts are a repeat of the first half of the dance only on opposite feet
33&34Right shuffle forward
35-36Left forward, right lock behind left
37-40Full turn over left shoulder traveling forward stepping left, right, left, right
41-44Left forward diagonally, right behind, left to left side, cross/rock right over left
45-48Recover onto left, right to right, cross left over right, point right to side
49-52Back on right turning ¼ turn left, (man behind lady in cuddle) rock onto left, right, left
53-54Rock right forward, recover on left
55-56Turn ¼ right and step right, left, right (shuffle)man's steps
57-58MAN: Rock forward left, back right
LADY: Step forward left, pivot ½ turn right
59&60MAN: Left shuffle back
LADY: Left shuffle forward
Lady now facing man. Hands joined at all times
61-62MAN: Rock back on right, forward onto left
LADY: Forward on right, pivot ½ turn left
63&64MAN: Right shuffle forward
LADY: Right shuffle forward