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Zum Zum Zum (Zoom Zoom Zoom)

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William Sevone (UK) - August 2005
Zoom Zoom Zoom - Serapis Bey : ("Only The Strong" - soundtrack)
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Choreographers note:- This is the traditional style of music as used for ‘Capoeira’, the unique Brazilian Fight Dance.
Because of the number of restarts this dance is aimed at those Advanced Beginners who have just moved
into the Intermediate Level.
Dance sequence:- 32-32-16-32-16-32-32-32-16-32-32
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts on the vocals “Zum Zum Zum” after the break at the start of the music. Feet together, weight on the left.

2x Diag Rock-Recover-1/2 Turn Fwd Shuffle (12:00)
1 – 2Rock right diagonally forward left. Recover weight to left.
&3& 4Turn ½ right & shuffle forward stepping: R.L-R.
5 – 6Rock left diagonally forward right. Recover weight to right.
&7& 8Turn ½ left & shuffle forward stepping: L.R-L.

Fwd Rock. Recover. Sailor Step. Side Rock. Recover. Sailor Step (12:00)
9 – 10Rock forward onto right. Recover onto left.
11& 12Step right behind left, step left next to right, step right to right side.
13 – 14Rock left to let side. Recover onto right.
15& 16Step left behind right, step right next to left, step left to left side.
RESTART: Restart dance from count 1 on walls 3, 5 and 8

2x Walk Fwd: R-L-Touch-Turn-Step Fwd (9:00)
17 – 18(short steps) Walk forward: R-L.
19& 20Touch right toe forward, turn ½ right & step right next to left, step forward onto left.
21 – 22(short steps) Walk forward: R-L.
23& 24Touch right toe forward, turn ¼ right & step right next to left, cross left over right.

Chasse. 1/2 Rock. Recover. Cross Shuffle. Rock. Recover (3:00)
25& 26Chasse right stepping: R.L-R.
27 – 28Turn ½ right & rock left to left side. Return weight to right.
29& 30Cross Shuffle left stepping: L.R-L.
31 – 32Rock right to right side. Recover weight to left.

Optional Dance Style: Try and incorporate Capoeira movement within the dance. For example when performing Side rock-Recover lean to the right then left whilst holding (bent) arms out to either side with palms facing forward also move head to sides as well – blocking technique..

RESTARTS: There are three restarts within the dance – all after count 16 of walls 3,5 and 8.

Last Update – 26 May 2020 -R2

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