1-2Step right foot forward 45 degrees right, step left behind right
&3-4Step left foot forward 45 degrees left, step right behind left
&5-6Step left foot to left, step right foot to right, left behind right
&7-8Right beside left, left heel forward, rock onto heel, rock back onto right
1&2Left back, right together, left back
3-4Touch right behind left, pivot ½ turn right
5-6Step back right, step back left
7&8Step back right, left together, right forward
1-2Scuff left forward, scuff left back across right
3-4Scuff left forward, scuff left back
&5-6Step left back, step right forward, scuff left forward
7-8Scuff left back across right, unwind ½ turn to right
1&2Right sailor shuffle (right behind left)
3-4Left behind right, unwind ½ turn to left
5&6Right heel forward, left heel forward
&7-8Left beside right, right forward step left next to right
&3-4Step left foot forward 45 degrees left, step right behind left
&5-6Step left foot to left, step right foot to right, left behind right
&7-8Right beside left, left heel forward, rock onto heel, rock back onto right
1&2Left back, right together, left back
3-4Touch right behind left, pivot ½ turn right
5-6Step back right, step back left
7&8Step back right, left together, right forward
1-2Scuff left forward, scuff left back across right
3-4Scuff left forward, scuff left back
&5-6Step left back, step right forward, scuff left forward
7-8Scuff left back across right, unwind ½ turn to right
1&2Right sailor shuffle (right behind left)
3-4Left behind right, unwind ½ turn to left
5&6Right heel forward, left heel forward
&7-8Left beside right, right forward step left next to right