1-2Touch right heel forward and replace
3-4Touch left heel forward and replace
5-8Grapevine to right, touching left foot next to right on last step
9-12Touch left toe to left side, touch left foot next to right, repeat
13-16Grapevine to left, touching right foot next to left on last step
17-20Touch right toe to right side, touch right toe next to left, repeat
21-22Shuffle forward on right foot
23-24Shuffle forward on left foot
25-28Rock forward and back on right, half shuffle turn to right shoulder
29-32Rock forward and back on left, quarter shuffle turn to left shoulder
33-36Right toe strut, left toe strut, right toe strut, left toe strut
37-40Shuffle to right side, rock back onto left
41-44Shuffle to left side, rock back onto right
45-46Stomp right foot forward, stomp left foot forward
47-48Bump hip to right, bump hip to left
3-4Touch left heel forward and replace
5-8Grapevine to right, touching left foot next to right on last step
9-12Touch left toe to left side, touch left foot next to right, repeat
13-16Grapevine to left, touching right foot next to left on last step
17-20Touch right toe to right side, touch right toe next to left, repeat
21-22Shuffle forward on right foot
23-24Shuffle forward on left foot
25-28Rock forward and back on right, half shuffle turn to right shoulder
29-32Rock forward and back on left, quarter shuffle turn to left shoulder
33-36Right toe strut, left toe strut, right toe strut, left toe strut
37-40Shuffle to right side, rock back onto left
41-44Shuffle to left side, rock back onto right
45-46Stomp right foot forward, stomp left foot forward
47-48Bump hip to right, bump hip to left