1-2Right heel forward, touch next to left
3-4Touch right toe to right side, step next to left
5-6Left heel forward, touch next to right
7-8Touch left toe to left side, step next to right
9-10Shuffle forward (right, left, right)
11-12Step left foot forward and pivot half turn to right
13-14Shuffle forward (left, right, left)
15-16Rock forward on right
17-18Coaster step (right, left, right)
19-20Kick left foot forward, kick left foot to left side
21-22Triple step (left, right, left)
23-24Kick right foot, kick right foot to right side
25-26Triple step (right, left, right)
27-28Shuffle forward (left, right, left)
29-30Step right foot forward and paddle turn twice to left(quarter turn in all)
31-32Shuffle to right side
33-34Rock back onto left
35-36Shuffle to left side
37-38Rock back onto right
39-40Step right foot forward and half pivot turn to left
41-42Step right foot forward and half pivot turn to left
43-44Kick right foot forward and touch left next to right
45-46Kick left foot forward and touch right next to left
47-50Grapevine to right with a touch
51-54Grapevine to left with a scuff
3-4Touch right toe to right side, step next to left
5-6Left heel forward, touch next to right
7-8Touch left toe to left side, step next to right
9-10Shuffle forward (right, left, right)
11-12Step left foot forward and pivot half turn to right
13-14Shuffle forward (left, right, left)
15-16Rock forward on right
17-18Coaster step (right, left, right)
19-20Kick left foot forward, kick left foot to left side
21-22Triple step (left, right, left)
23-24Kick right foot, kick right foot to right side
25-26Triple step (right, left, right)
27-28Shuffle forward (left, right, left)
29-30Step right foot forward and paddle turn twice to left(quarter turn in all)
31-32Shuffle to right side
33-34Rock back onto left
35-36Shuffle to left side
37-38Rock back onto right
39-40Step right foot forward and half pivot turn to left
41-42Step right foot forward and half pivot turn to left
43-44Kick right foot forward and touch left next to right
45-46Kick left foot forward and touch right next to left
47-50Grapevine to right with a touch
51-54Grapevine to left with a scuff