CopperKnob Stepsheets

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What Car?

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Kristina Beeby (AUS)
What Car - Cliff Richard
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1-2Step right to right side, step left behind right
&3-4Step right to right side, step/rock left across right, rock back on right
&5-6Step left to left side, step right across left, step left to left side
&7-8Step right beside left, step/rock left to left side, replace weight on right
1&2Cross left behind right & step/rock right to right side, small step left (sailor step)
3&4Cross right behind left & step/rock left to left side, small step right (sailor step)
5-8Step left forward, pivot ½ right, step left forward, pivot ½ right (weight right)
1-2Step left back on left diagonal, step right across left
&3-4Step left back on left diagonal, step right back on right diagonal, step left across right
&5-6Step right back, touch left back and pivot ½ left
7-8Touch left back and pivot ½ left (weight right)
1-4Touch left to left side, turn ½ left stepping left beside right, touch right to right side, step right beside left (Monterey turn)
5-8Touch left to left side, turn ¾ left stepping left beside right, touch right to right side, touch right beside left (Monterey turn)


On wall 4 restart the dance after 16 counts adding an "&" count to step on left

At the end of wall 8 add the following 8 counts:

1-4Touch right to right side, turn ½ right stepping right beside left, touch left to left side, step left beside right

5-8Touch right to right side, turn ¾ right stepping right beside left, touch left to left side, step left beside right

The dance finishes at the end of the sequence. Do a full Monterey Turn instead of the ¾ Monterey to finish at the front

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