CopperKnob Stepsheets

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We're From The Country

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Leslie Moore (USA)
I'm from the Country - Tracy Byrd
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Sequence: AAB AAB A- BB

1-2Rock forward on right heel with turning toe inward and "grinding" outward, recover back on left
3-4Rock back on right foot, recover forward on left
5-6Step forward right, pivot ½ to left
7-8Step forward right, pivot ½ to left
1-2Step right to right side, step left behind right
3-4Step right to right side, step left in front of right
5Step right to right side and turn ¼ to left
6Kick left foot forward (can do a small hop on right foot simultaneously)
7-8Step back on left foot, stomp right (taking no weight)
1-2Touch right toe at left instep turning right knee inward, touch right heel at left instep turning right knee outward
3-6Step right across left, step back on left, step right slightly to right side, touch left heel forward
&7Small jump to take weight on left foot, step right across left
8On balls of both feet turn ¼ to left
1&2Shuffle left-right-left to left side
3-4Rock back on right, recover forward on left
5&6Shuffle right-left-right to right side
7Spin ½ to right on ball of right foot, and landing by stepping left to left side
8Continue turning an additional ½ to right on balls of both feet
You'll end up with legs crossed
1&2Shuffle left-right-left to left side
3-4Rock back on right, recover forward left
5-7Walk forward right, left, right
8Spin ½ turn to right on right foot while kicking left foot behind you
1-2Step forward on left foot, spin ½ turn to right on left foot while hitching right knee
3-4Stomp forward right, left
5-6Pop right knee in, then left knee (Elvis style!)
7-8Circle hips to left

Repeat all of Part A, except replace the final 8 counts with:

&1Small jump forward left-right
2-3Lift & drop heels twice
&5Small jump forward left-right
6-7Lift & drop heels twice
&1Small jump forward left-right
2-3Lift & drop heels twice
5-8Two hip circles to the left

1-2Kick right foot across left, kick right foot to right side
3&4Right sailor shuffle
5-6Kick left foot across right, kick left foot to left side
7&8Left sailor shuffle
1-2Step forward right, pivot ¼ to left
3-4Step forward right, pivot ¼ to left
5-6Step forward right, pivot ¼ to left
7-8Step forward right, pivot ¼ to left
1-4Right grapevine, turning ½ to right on third count and scuffing left on fourth count
5-8Left grapevine, scuffing right on final count
1-4Right grapevine, turning ½ to right on third count and scuffing left on fourth count
5-8Left grapevine, scuffing right on final count
1&2Shuffle forward right-left-right
3-4Rock forward left, recover back right
5&6Shuffle backward left-right-left
7-8Rock back right, recover forward left
1&2Shuffle forward right-left-right
3-4Step forward left, pivot ½ to right
&5Small jump forward left-right
&7Small jump forward left-right
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