CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Watermelon Crawl (P)

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Bob Anderson (USA) & Vickie Anderson (USA)
Watermelon Crawl - Tracy Byrd
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Position: Couples in sweetheart promenade position.

1&2Polka step forward on right, left, right
3&4Polka step forward on left, right, left
5&6Polka step forward on right, left, right
7&8Polka step forward on left, right, left

1Crossing right foot over left, step to left side of left foot
2Step left foot back
3Step right foot to right side of left foot
4Step left foot beside right foot
5Releasing right hands, cross right foot over left, stepping back and to left side of left foot
6Raising left hands, make at least a ¾ turn to the left by unwinding legs
7Step right foot to right side of left foot, completing full turn
8Step left foot beside right foot, returning hands to promenade position


1Step right foot to side right
2Raise left hands over lady's head as you cross left foot behind right leg, stepping left foot to side right
3Lower left hands as you step right foot to side right
4Kick left foot to right side
5Raise left hands over lady's head as you step left foot to side left
6Lowering left hands and raising right hands over lady's head. Cross right foot behind left leg, stepping right foot to side left
7Lover right hands as you step left foot to side left
8Kick right foot to left side
1Raise right hands over lady's head as you step right foot to side right
2Lower right hands back into promenade position as you step left foot beside right foot
3Rock back on heels of both feet
4Return both feet to floor with weight on right foot

1Crossing right foot over left, step to side left
2Under raised left hand, make ½ turn to the right, stepping slightly back on left foot
3Step right foot to side right
4Kick left foot to right side
5Under raised left hand, step left foot to side left as you turn body ¼ turn to the left
6Under raised right hand, make ¼ turn left as you step right foot to side right
7Make ½ turn to left as you step left foot to side left
8Kick right foot to left side
1Under raised right hand, step right foot to side right as you turn body ¼ turn to the right
2Make ¼ turn right as you step left foot to side left
3Rock back on heels of both feet
4Return feet to floor with weight on right foot

5Bending at knees, step forward on left foot, well forward but to the right of right foot
6Bending at knees a little deeper, step forward on right foot, well forward but to the left of left foot
7Bending at knees a little deeper, step forward on left foot, well forward but to the right of right foot
8Rising completely upright at knees, step forward on right foot
1Step forward on left foot
2Pivot ½ turn to the right
3Bending at knees, step forward on left foot, well forward but to the right of right foot
4Bending at knees a little deeper, step forward on right foot, well forward but to the left of left foot
5Bending at knees a little deeper, step forward on left foot, well forward but to the right of right foot
6Rising completely upright at knees, step forward on right foot
7Raising left hands, release right hands with man placing right hand behind his back at waist to be taken in lady's right hand, step forward on left foot
8Lower left hands as you pivot ½ turn to the right while raising right hands up and over lady's head

1Release left hands, stepping forward on left foot while pivoting ¼ to the right into a left hip bump, with man's hands placed over lady's hands at the lady's waist
2Bump hips to the left
3Bump hips to the right
4Bump hips to the right
3Bending at knees, bump hips to the left
6Bending at knees a little deeper, bump hips to the right
7Bending at knees a little deeper, bump hips to the left
8Rising completely upright at knees, bump hips to the right
1Rising slightly upward at knees, bump hips to the left
2Rising completely upright at knees, bump hips to right
3Making ¼ turn left back into line of dance, step forward on left foot as you return hands to promenade position
4Stomp right foot beside left foot
5Bending at knees, step forward on left foot, well forward but to the right of right foot
6Bending at knees a little deeper, step forward on right foot, well forward but to the left of left foot
7Bending at knees a little deeper, step forward on left foot, well forward but to the right of right foot
8Rising completely upright at knees, step forward on right foot

1Touch left heel out front
2Hook left heel in front of right knee
3Touch left heel out front
4Step left foot beside right foot
5Touch right heel out front
6Hook right heel in front of left knee
7Touch right heel out front
8Step right foot beside left foot
1Kick left foot forward
2Kick left foot forward
3Step back on left foot
4Touch right toe back

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