1-3Right heel touch forward; right hook (across left); right heel touch forward
4Right toe-tap where right heel was while twisting right heel right
Variation: right hand to right heel slap leather
5-6Right heel touch forward; close
7-12Mirror steps 1-5 ending with; left toe-tap back
13-16Charleston kicks: left step forward; right kick forward; right step back; left toe-tap back
17-18Left slide step forward: (left forward; right slide to left)
19-20Left step forward: swing right foot out and around (flare) as you pivot on ball of left ½ turn to the left
21-28Heel-toe strut forward: (heel touches forward; toe down): right, left, right, left
29-32Right jazz box ending with ¼ turn to the right
33-36Right jazz box
4Right toe-tap where right heel was while twisting right heel right
Variation: right hand to right heel slap leather
5-6Right heel touch forward; close
7-12Mirror steps 1-5 ending with; left toe-tap back
13-16Charleston kicks: left step forward; right kick forward; right step back; left toe-tap back
17-18Left slide step forward: (left forward; right slide to left)
19-20Left step forward: swing right foot out and around (flare) as you pivot on ball of left ½ turn to the left
21-28Heel-toe strut forward: (heel touches forward; toe down): right, left, right, left
29-32Right jazz box ending with ¼ turn to the right
33-36Right jazz box