CopperKnob Stepsheets

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To Have & To Hold

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Intermediate/Advanced waltz
Lesley Johnston (AUS)
To Have & To Hold - Don McLean
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1-3Step back on right, step left-right on spot
4-6Step forward on left & ½ turn to left, step right-left on spot
7-9Step back on right, step left-right on spot
10-12Step forward on left as you ¼ turn to left-right-left on spot
13-15Step back right-left-right
16-18Cross left over right, right to side, left behind right
19-21Step right to side as you ½ turn to right, step down on left (your right heel will rise), lower right heel
22-27Repeat counts 16-21
18-30Crossing left over right (we are about to commence ½ turn to left), step right forward (almost at 45 degrees) & pivot on spot to complete turn for count 30
31-33Repeat 28-30 to commence on right
For these movements 28-33, imagine the figure "8" stepping across your body
34-36Step left over right & raise right heel, lower right heel & replace left to side (doing these movements with slight lunge across body)
37-39Repeat counts 34-36 commencing on right
40-42Left across right, right to side, left behind right
43-45Step right to side, slowly drag left to right for counts 44 & 45
46-48Stepping onto left as you ½ turn to left, right to side, left behind right
49-51Step right foot forward at ¼ turn (¼ turn) to right, step left in front of right & ¾ turn right (leaving right over left)
You have now completed a full turn
52-54Step left to side & drag right to left for last two counts

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