1-4Step forward with left, hook right behind left knee, step back with right, touch left toe back
5-8Step forward with left, hook right behind left knee, step back with right, touch left toe back
1-4Grapevine left, step together (left, right, left, right)
5-8With feet together, rotate hips to the left (left to right) making two rotations over counts 5-8
1-4Grapevine right, step together (right, left, right, left)
5-8With feet together, rotate hips to the right (right to left) making two rotations over counts 5-8
1-2Step forward with left foot, touch right toe forward,
3-4Step back with right foot, step side with left foot
5-6Cross right over left and turn (unwind) ½ left
7-8Roll hips from left to right-end with weight on right
5-8Step forward with left, hook right behind left knee, step back with right, touch left toe back
1-4Grapevine left, step together (left, right, left, right)
5-8With feet together, rotate hips to the left (left to right) making two rotations over counts 5-8
1-4Grapevine right, step together (right, left, right, left)
5-8With feet together, rotate hips to the right (right to left) making two rotations over counts 5-8
1-2Step forward with left foot, touch right toe forward,
3-4Step back with right foot, step side with left foot
5-6Cross right over left and turn (unwind) ½ left
7-8Roll hips from left to right-end with weight on right