CopperKnob Stepsheets

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That's The Way!

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Thomas O'Dwyer (AUS)
That's The Way You Make An X - Mark Chesnutt
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1&Step right forward, step left forward
2-3Step right forward, step left forward making a ¼ turn right
4&Step/rock ball of right behind left, rock weight onto left
5Step right to right side making a ¼ turn left
6Make a ½ turn left on ball of right stepping left forward
7&8&Kick right to left 45, step right to right 45, kick left to right 45, step left to left 45
1&Step/rock right to left 45, rock weight onto left
2Make a ½ turn right on ball of left & step right forward
3&4Step left forward, make a ½ pivot turn right placing weight on right, step left forward
5&6Step right backward, rock forward onto left, make a ½ turn left on ball of left & step backward on right
7&8Step left backward, step right together, step left backward
You start over here on the tag
1&2Step right backward, rock forward onto left making a ¼ turn right, cross right in front to left
3&4Step left to left side, step right together, step left to left side
5-6Step right forward making a ¼ turn left on ball of right, make a ¼ turn left & step left to left side
7&Step right forward making a ¼ turn left on ball of right, make a ¼ turn left & step left to left side
8Left side cross right in front of left
The last 4 steps make a box, you finish facing the wall you started facing
1&2Step left to left side, replace weight onto right, cross left in front of right
3&4Step right to right side, replace weight onto left, cross right in front of left
5-6Step left to left side, drag right to meet left
7&Paddle turns; step right forward & make a ¼ turn left placing weight on left
8&Step right forward & make a ¼ turn left placing weight on left


On the 4th wall, skip the first 16 counts of the dance.

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