CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Tequila Cha Cha

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Andrew Kennedy (CAN)
Tequila Nights - Lonestar
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Position: Side by Side (Sweetheart) position
1&2Touch left heel forward, hitch left knee, step to left side with left
3-4Cross right behind left, step to left side with left
5&6Touch right heel forward, hitch right knee, step to right side with right
7-8Cross left behind right, step to right side with right
9-10Rock left forward, step in place with right
11&12Left shuffle in place (left, right, left)
13&14Sailor shuffle - cross right behind left, step side left, step in place right
15&16Sailor shuffle - cross left behind right, step side right, step in place left
17&18Sailor shuffle - cross right behind left, step side left, step in place right
19&20Sailor shuffle - cross left behind right, step side right, step in place left
21-22Rock back on right foot, step in place with left
23&24Right shuffle forward (right, left, right)
25-26Left step to side, cross right behind left
27&28Left shuffle in place (left, right, left)
29-30Right step to side, cross left foot behind right
31&32Right shuffle turning ¼ right (right, left, right)
33-36Sway hips, left, right, left, right (both partners facing wall)
37-38Left step to side, cross right behind left
39&40Left shuffle turning ¼ turn left, (left, right, left)
41-42Jazz box - cross right over left, step back left turning ¼ left
43&44Right shuffle in place (right, left, right)
When danced in Sweetheart Position in a circle, leave out ¼ turn on jazz box

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