1-8Left shuffle forward, right shuffle forward, (on right, turn ½ right turn) left shuffle back, right shuffle back
Four shuffles: 2 forward, turn in between, and 2 back all directed at same wall
9-12Left heel forward, left toe back, triple left (side, together, side)
13-16Right heel forward, right toe back, triple right
17-20Left step forward (to diagonal right), right kick forward, right triple step
Right back on diagonal, left together, right cross in front, while turning to left diagonal
21-24Left step forward (to diagonal left), right kick forward, right triple step
Right back on diagonal, left together, right together, while turning to face front again
25-28Left (¼ turn left) step forward, right point side, right step forward, left point side
29-32Left step back, right point side, right step back, left point side
Four shuffles: 2 forward, turn in between, and 2 back all directed at same wall
9-12Left heel forward, left toe back, triple left (side, together, side)
13-16Right heel forward, right toe back, triple right
17-20Left step forward (to diagonal right), right kick forward, right triple step
Right back on diagonal, left together, right cross in front, while turning to left diagonal
21-24Left step forward (to diagonal left), right kick forward, right triple step
Right back on diagonal, left together, right together, while turning to face front again
25-28Left (¼ turn left) step forward, right point side, right step forward, left point side
29-32Left step back, right point side, right step back, left point side