Position: Side by Side holding inner hands
Steps are for both unless indicated
1-4MAN: (Releasing hands) roll to left away from partner completing a ¾ turn on left-right-left, step right beside left
LADY: (Releasing hands) roll to right away from partner completing a ¾ turn on right-left-right, stomp left beside right
5-8Step forward on right toes, drop right heel to floor, step forward on left toes, drop left heel to floor
9-12Step forward on right toes, drop right heel to floor, step forward on left toes, drop left heel to floor
13-14Right foot step across front of left foot, hold for one beat
15-16Unwind ½ turn left on balls of feet, hold for one beat
17-20Right foot step across front of left foot, hold, left foot step across front of right foot, hold
21-24Right foot step across front of left foot, hold, left foot step across front of right foot, hold
25-26Right foot step across front of left foot, hold for one beat
27-28Unwind ½ turn left on balls of feet, hold for one beat
29-32Step forward on right foot, slide left foot to right, step forward on right foot, stomp left beside right
Slap hands with partner and keep palms pressed together
33-36Bump hips twice towards LOD (turn head in same direction), bump hips twice to RLOD (turn head in same direction)
Drop leading hands & raise lady's left with man's right
37-40MAN: Left foot step to left making ¼ turn into LOD, step forward on right, left, kick right foot forward
LADY: Make 1 ¼ turns to right traveling into LOD stepping right, left, right, kick left foot forward
Steps 41-60 are done in mirror image. Steps listed are for lady. Man on opposite feet
41-44Step forward on left foot, kick right foot forward, step forward on right foot, kick left foot forward
45-48Step back on left foot, kick right foot forward, step back on right foot, kick left foot forward
49-52Left forward shuffle, right forward shuffle
53-56Step forward on left, right, left, kick right foot forward
57-60Stomp right beside left, stomp left beside right, touch right heel diagonally forward, touch right toe beside left foot
Steps are for both unless indicated
1-4MAN: (Releasing hands) roll to left away from partner completing a ¾ turn on left-right-left, step right beside left
LADY: (Releasing hands) roll to right away from partner completing a ¾ turn on right-left-right, stomp left beside right
5-8Step forward on right toes, drop right heel to floor, step forward on left toes, drop left heel to floor
9-12Step forward on right toes, drop right heel to floor, step forward on left toes, drop left heel to floor
13-14Right foot step across front of left foot, hold for one beat
15-16Unwind ½ turn left on balls of feet, hold for one beat
17-20Right foot step across front of left foot, hold, left foot step across front of right foot, hold
21-24Right foot step across front of left foot, hold, left foot step across front of right foot, hold
25-26Right foot step across front of left foot, hold for one beat
27-28Unwind ½ turn left on balls of feet, hold for one beat
29-32Step forward on right foot, slide left foot to right, step forward on right foot, stomp left beside right
Slap hands with partner and keep palms pressed together
33-36Bump hips twice towards LOD (turn head in same direction), bump hips twice to RLOD (turn head in same direction)
Drop leading hands & raise lady's left with man's right
37-40MAN: Left foot step to left making ¼ turn into LOD, step forward on right, left, kick right foot forward
LADY: Make 1 ¼ turns to right traveling into LOD stepping right, left, right, kick left foot forward
Steps 41-60 are done in mirror image. Steps listed are for lady. Man on opposite feet
41-44Step forward on left foot, kick right foot forward, step forward on right foot, kick left foot forward
45-48Step back on left foot, kick right foot forward, step back on right foot, kick left foot forward
49-52Left forward shuffle, right forward shuffle
53-56Step forward on left, right, left, kick right foot forward
57-60Stomp right beside left, stomp left beside right, touch right heel diagonally forward, touch right toe beside left foot