CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Some Beach (P)

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Jim Vivis (USA)
Some Beach - Blake Shelton
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Position: Sweetheart, man and lady are on opposite footwork

1-2Rock left foot to left side, recover on right foot
3&4Turning ¼ turn right to face OLOD shuffle forward left, right, left
Hand movements: on counts 3 & 4 man takes ladies left hand over her head as she does a ¾ turn ending in skaters position with left hands on top
5-6Rock forward right foot, recover on left foot
7&8Turning ¼ turn right to face, RLOD shuffle forward right, left, right
Remain in skaters position
1-2Rock forward on left foot, recover back on right
3&4Turning ½ turn left to face LOD, shuffle forward left, right, left
5-6Rock forward right recover back left
7&8Shuffle forward right, left, right
1-2Turning ¼ turn right to face OLOD, step left foot to side touch right foot in place
3&4Shuffle to side right, left, right
5-6Turning ¼ right to face RLOD, rock forward left recover right
7&8Turning ½ turn left, shuffle forward left, right, left
1-2Walk forward right, left
3&4Shuffle forward right, left, right
5-6Rock forward left recover right
7-8Walk forward left, right
Hand movements: on counts 1 and 2 drop ladies left hand and pull her toward you with her right hand as she rolls forward. Pick lady back up in sweetheart position


1-2Cross rock right foot over left, recover on left foot

3&4Turning ¾ turn right to face ILOD shuffle back right, left, right
Hand movements: on counts 3 & 4 man takes ladies left hand over her head as she does a ¾ turn ending in skaters position with left hands on top
5-6Rock back on left foot, recover on right foot
7&8Turning ¼ left to face RLOD, shuffle forward left, right, left
Remain in skaters position
1-2Rock forward on right foot, recover back on left foot
3&4Turning ½ turn right to face LOD, shuffle forward right, left, right
5-6Rock forward left recover back right
7&8Shuffle forward left, right, left
1-2Turning ¼ turn left to face ILOD, step right foot to side touch left foot in place
3&4Shuffle to side left, right, left
5-6Turning ¼ left to face RLOD, rock forward right recover left
7&8Turning ½ turn right shuffle forward right, left, right
1-2Turning left roll forward left, right for counts 1 and 2
3&4Shuffle forward left, right, left
5-6Rock forward right recover left
7-8Walk forward right, left
Hand movements: on counts 1 and 2 drop ladies left hand and pull her toward you with her right hand as she rolls forward. Pick lady back up in sweetheart position

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