CopperKnob Stepsheets

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So Different (P)

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Intermediate partner dance
Charlotte Frazier (USA)
A Lot of Things Different - Kenny Chesney
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Position: Man behind lady slightly to the right with left arms extended out to the left in Handhold position, right hands extended to the right in handhold position
1-2From beginning position, both do a right ronde' from back to front stepping on the right foot on count 2 and wrapping right hands to the lady's waist
3&4Shuffle to the left, left-right-left
5-8Sway hips in unison, right-left-right-left
1-2Both rock back on right foot replacing weight to the left foot
3&4Shuffle to the right, right-left-right
5-6Rock back on left foot replacing weight to your right
7&8Shuffle to the left, left-right-left
1-2Rock back on right foot replacing weight to left foot
3&4MAN: Turn lady ½ to the left to face him taking a handhold position
 LADY: Steps right-left-right as man steps in place right-left
This changes the man's footwork lead
5-6Rock back on left foot for the lady and forward on the right foot for the man, replace
7&8Shuffle forward left-right-left for the lady and back right-left-right for the man
1-2Rock step forward on the right foot for the lady and back on the left foot for the man, replace
3&4Shuffle back right-left-right for the lady and forward left-right-left for the man
5-6Rock back on the left for the lady and forward for the man, replace
7&8Shuffle left-right-left to the side for the lady and right-left-right to the side for the man doing a ¼ turn to open position
1-2Rock back on the right foot for the lady and the left foot for the man, replace
3&4Shuffle a full turn for the lady and for the man. Lady to the left and man to the right rejoining inside hands
Lady to the left and man to the right rejoining inside hands
5&6Both shuffle forward to the new wall which is ¼ left from starting wall
7&8The man will step left-right-left in place as the lady does a full two-count right-left turn to the left stepping in front of the man to the original starting position. As the lady crosses, she will take the man's right hand in hers to her waist. Footwork is now the same and the pattern starts again

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