Position: Start by facing partner, man's right hand holding lady's left
1&2Turning into line of dance, shuffle forward on outside feet
3Rock forward on inside feet
4Rock back on outside feet
5-8Repeating 1-4 in opposite direction and changing hands
9&10Side shuffle back to face partner
11-12LADY: (Roll) full turn right letting go of partners hands
MAN: Right over left, step to left side with left
13&14LADY: Shuffle forward on left (catching mans hands)
MAN: Shuffle back on right
15-16LADY: Rock forward on right back on left
MAN: Rock back on left, forward on right
17-18LADY: Walk back right, left
MAN: Walk forward left, right
At this point hold hands loosely, but never release
19LADY: Raising right arm, step slightly diagonally forward on right
MAN: Step forward left ¼ turn to left
20LADY: Step forward on left turning ¼ to right going under raised arms (lady is now facing into the line of dance).
MAN: Pivot ½ turn left on left while stepping back right
21LADY: Rock back on right, bring right hand down to mans waist level, lady's left arm is behind her back at waist level.
MAN: Rock left to left side completing ¾ turn
22LADY: Rock forward on left
MAN: Rock right to right side
23LADY: Step right to right side, raising lady's right arm over mans head and change sides
MAN: Cross left over right
24LADY: Bring left foot next to right, man's left arm is on lady's shoulder, man's right arm is behind his back at waist level
MAN: Step right beside left
25-26LADY: Raising mans left arm step back right (going under mans raised arm)step back left together.
MAN: Hold for 2 counts
27-28LADY: Step forward on right turning ¼ turn to left while bringing right hand around and over man's head (turning man ¾ turn right over right shoulder), step left beside right
MAN: Pivot on right ¾ turn to right, step left beside left
29Step outside feet ¼ turn into line of dance, drop leading hands
30-31Kick inside feet forward twice
32Rock back onto inside feet ¼ turn to face each other
1&2Turning into line of dance, shuffle forward on outside feet
3Rock forward on inside feet
4Rock back on outside feet
5-8Repeating 1-4 in opposite direction and changing hands
9&10Side shuffle back to face partner
11-12LADY: (Roll) full turn right letting go of partners hands
MAN: Right over left, step to left side with left
13&14LADY: Shuffle forward on left (catching mans hands)
MAN: Shuffle back on right
15-16LADY: Rock forward on right back on left
MAN: Rock back on left, forward on right
17-18LADY: Walk back right, left
MAN: Walk forward left, right
At this point hold hands loosely, but never release
19LADY: Raising right arm, step slightly diagonally forward on right
MAN: Step forward left ¼ turn to left
20LADY: Step forward on left turning ¼ to right going under raised arms (lady is now facing into the line of dance).
MAN: Pivot ½ turn left on left while stepping back right
21LADY: Rock back on right, bring right hand down to mans waist level, lady's left arm is behind her back at waist level.
MAN: Rock left to left side completing ¾ turn
22LADY: Rock forward on left
MAN: Rock right to right side
23LADY: Step right to right side, raising lady's right arm over mans head and change sides
MAN: Cross left over right
24LADY: Bring left foot next to right, man's left arm is on lady's shoulder, man's right arm is behind his back at waist level
MAN: Step right beside left
25-26LADY: Raising mans left arm step back right (going under mans raised arm)step back left together.
MAN: Hold for 2 counts
27-28LADY: Step forward on right turning ¼ turn to left while bringing right hand around and over man's head (turning man ¾ turn right over right shoulder), step left beside right
MAN: Pivot on right ¾ turn to right, step left beside left
29Step outside feet ¼ turn into line of dance, drop leading hands
30-31Kick inside feet forward twice
32Rock back onto inside feet ¼ turn to face each other