CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Shannon's Request

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Raelene Brown (AUS) & Tammy Hampton (AUS)
What About Me (Remix) - Shannon Noll
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1-2Rock right forward, replace weight back on left
3-4(Full turn back right)-turn ½ right and step right forward, turn ½ right and step back on left
5-6Biggish step back on right, drag left towards right
&7-8Step left beside right, step forward on right, pivot ½ left bringing weight forward onto left
1-8Repeat last 8 counts
&-1-2Flick right foot up behind left knee, stomp right down slightly to the right, hold
&-3-4Flick left foot up behind right knee, stomp left down slightly to the left, hold
Restart here on wall 8
5&6Turn your head to the right, at the same time transfer weight to right and do two right hip bumps clicking fingers of right hand at hip height on beats 5 and 6 (as you click your fingers, flick your hand out to the right slightly)
7&8Turn your head to the left, at the same time transfer weight to left and do two left hip bumps clicking fingers of left hand at hip height on beats 7 and 8 (as you click your fingers, flick your hand out to the left slightly)
1-4Step right behind left, turn ¼ left stepping forward on left, step forward on right, pivot ½ left bring weight to left
5-8Turn ¼ left and stomp right to right side, hold, hinge turn ½ right on right and stomp left to left side, hold
Arm movements: as you are doing the ¼ turn and the ½ turn, cross wrists at chest level with softly clenched fists. On beats 5 and 7, open hands and push arms down and out 45 degrees beside the body, with palms almost parallel to the floor. Hold that arm position for the hold counts as well

&1&2On balls of both feet pivot ¼ left and shrug shoulders up slightly, slightly bend the knees so that you are in a slight squat and drop the shoulders at the same time, (&2) shrug shoulders up and down
&3&4Rise up turning ¼ right bringing shoulders up, (3&4) shrug shoulders down, up, down
Sounds complicated but it's not. You are basically turning a ¼ left into a slight squat and shrugging twice then turning a ¼ right back to original position and shrugging twice. Remember your arm placement written above while doing your turns and shrugs
5-8Kick right forward across left, kick right to right side, step right behind left, step left to left side


End of walls 1 and 3 dance to count 39, replace the step to left (count 40) with a hold then add the following 8 counts

1-4Step left to left turning ¼ left, turn ½ left and step back on right, turn ¼ left and step left to left side, cross/step right over left alternately and choreographers preference is to replace last 4 counts with two full turns to the left

5-8Stride left to left side and drag right to left for three counts. Weight stays on left in preparation to start dance again on right

On 8th wall dance through to count 20 (flick, stomp, hold, flick, stomp, hold) and start dance again from the beginning

Do the first 8 counts of wall 11, which brings you back to the front. Biggish step with right to right side and drag left to right while he sings "what about" then stride/step left to left side and drag right to left when he sings "me". The timing is approximately 4 counts for the 'step and drag to the right' and same for the left but listen to the words and step out as I have described.

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