1-4Right kick-ball touch (touching left to left side)
5-8Left kick ball touch with ¼ turn left (touching right to right side)
1-4Slow forward right shuffle, (right, left together, right)
5-8Left side rock and cross left over right
1-4Right side rock and cross right over left
5-8Left rock forward and bring left foot together
1-4Slow right shuffle back (right, left together, right)
5-8Keeping left slightly in front of right, push hips forward into upper body roll
1-4Step forward on right and push hips right twice
5-8Step forward on left and push hips left twice
1-4Step forward on right and push hips right twice
5-8Step forward on left and push hips left twice
5-8Left kick ball touch with ¼ turn left (touching right to right side)
1-4Slow forward right shuffle, (right, left together, right)
5-8Left side rock and cross left over right
1-4Right side rock and cross right over left
5-8Left rock forward and bring left foot together
1-4Slow right shuffle back (right, left together, right)
5-8Keeping left slightly in front of right, push hips forward into upper body roll
1-4Step forward on right and push hips right twice
5-8Step forward on left and push hips left twice
1-4Step forward on right and push hips right twice
5-8Step forward on left and push hips left twice