CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Bryan McWherter (USA)
In His Touch - CĂ©line Dion
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1-2&Slide right (pushing off with left), collect left and step left slightly behind right, cross step right in front of left
3-4&Slide left to left, making a ¼ turn right pushing off with right, collect right and step right slightly behind left, recover weight back left
5-6&Make ¼ turn right stepping with right foot, make ¼ turn right stepping with left foot, make ½ turn right stepping with right foot
7-8&Forward lunge stepping left foot forward, recover onto right foot, make ½ turn left stepping with left foot
1&2Make a ½ turn rocking right to right side, recover weight left, cross step right in front of left
3&4Rock left to left side, recover weight right, cross step left in front of right
5Sweep right foot around left cross stepping right in front of left
6&7Step left foot left and back ¼ turn right, step right foot right making a ¼ turn right, step left foot slightly forward
8Step right foot slightly forward
1With weight on right make a full turn left sweeping left leg out and behind right
2&3Rock left back, step right in place, rock left back
2&3 should be like the west coast move called an Anchor Step
4&5Shuffle forward right, left, right
6&Rock forward onto left, recover back onto right
7-8&Step left foot ¼ turn to your left, cross rock right in front of left, recover weight back onto left
7-8& should be done as a check step
1-2&Step right ¼ turn right, step forward onto left making a ½ turn right, step right slightly forward
3-4&Step left foot forward, step forward onto right making a ¼ turn left, step left slightly forward
5-6&Step right foot forward, step forward onto left making ½ turn right, step right slightly forward
7-8&Step left forward, step right forward, step left next to right


Restart after count 20& on wall 5

After count 8 of wall 2

1&Make a ½ turn rocking right to right side, recover weight left

2&Cross step right in front of left, step left next to right
Then restart the dance from count 1

After wall 4

1-2&Hold, hold, hold

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