CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Jan Wyllie (AUS)
Every Road Leads Back To You - Sean O'Farrell
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1-4Step right to right, step left behind right, step right to right, touch left beside right (vine)
5-6Step left to left, stomp right beside left and clap hands
7-8-Step right to right, stomp left beside right and clap hands
9-12Step left to left, step right behind left, step left to left, touch right beside left (vine)
13-14Step right to right, stomp left beside right and clap hands
15-16Step left to left, stomp right beside left and clap hands
17-18Step right to right, step left behind right
19-20Making ¼ turn right step forward on right, scuff left forward
21-24Step forward on left, lock/step right behind left, step forward on left, touch right beside left
25&26Step right to right side while bumping hips to the right twice
27&28Bump hips to the left twice
29-30Bump hips to the right, bump hips to the left
31-32Bump hips to the right, bump hips to the left
33Step right to right (swipe hands down across side of thighs)
34Step left behind right (swipe hands up across side thighs)
35Step right to right (clap hands)
36Touch left beside right (clap hands)
37Step left to left (swipe hands down across side of thighs)
38Step right beside left (swipe hands up across side of thighs)
39Step left to left (clap hands)
40Touch right beside left (clap hands)
41-44Step back on right, touch left heel forward, step back on left, touch right heel forward
45-48Step back on right, touch left heel forward, step back on left, touch right heel forward
49-50-51&52Rock/step back on right rock forward on left, shuffle forward right, left, right
53-56Rock/step forward on left, rock back on right, shuffle back left, right, left
57-58Rock/step back on right, rock forward on left
59-62Step forward on right, scuff left forward, step forward on left, scuff right forward
63-64Stamp right beside left, stamp left beside right

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