1&2Right side shuffle
3With weight on right cross left behind right
4Unwind ½ turn over left shoulder (weight on left)
5&6Right kickball change
7&8Stomp right forward with a double clap
9-16Repeat 1-8 starting with left foot
17Step forward on right
18Pivot ½ turn
19Step forward on right
20Pivot ½ turn
21-23Walk forward on right, left, right
24Kick left forward
25-28Left jazz box with ¼ turn
29-32Left jazz box with ¼ turn ending with a touch
33-36Rolling vine right with a touch and clap
37-40Rolling vine left with a touch and clap
41-48Two Monterey turns
&49-50Jump out (right first then left) and clap
&51-52Jump in (right first then left) and clap
53-56Two right ½ pivot turns
3With weight on right cross left behind right
4Unwind ½ turn over left shoulder (weight on left)
5&6Right kickball change
7&8Stomp right forward with a double clap
9-16Repeat 1-8 starting with left foot
17Step forward on right
18Pivot ½ turn
19Step forward on right
20Pivot ½ turn
21-23Walk forward on right, left, right
24Kick left forward
25-28Left jazz box with ¼ turn
29-32Left jazz box with ¼ turn ending with a touch
33-36Rolling vine right with a touch and clap
37-40Rolling vine left with a touch and clap
41-48Two Monterey turns
&49-50Jump out (right first then left) and clap
&51-52Jump in (right first then left) and clap
53-56Two right ½ pivot turns