1-4Kick right forward twice, right ball change tapping right next to left
5-8Kick right forward twice, right ball change tapping right next to left
9-12Sway hips right, left, right, left (hula hips)
13-16Rolling full turn right (right, left, right), tap left next to right
Use rolling hand action to give Hawaiian feel on vines
17-20Rolling full turn left (left, right, left), tap right next to left
21-24Step right forward, pivot ½ left weight onto left, shuffle right, left, right
25&26Pivot ½ right and shuffle backwards left, right, left
27&28Turn ¼ right shuffle forward right, left, right
29&Syncopated step left to side, right across left
30-32Repeat 3 more syncopated steps
5-8Kick right forward twice, right ball change tapping right next to left
9-12Sway hips right, left, right, left (hula hips)
13-16Rolling full turn right (right, left, right), tap left next to right
Use rolling hand action to give Hawaiian feel on vines
17-20Rolling full turn left (left, right, left), tap right next to left
21-24Step right forward, pivot ½ left weight onto left, shuffle right, left, right
25&26Pivot ½ right and shuffle backwards left, right, left
27&28Turn ¼ right shuffle forward right, left, right
29&Syncopated step left to side, right across left
30-32Repeat 3 more syncopated steps