CopperKnob Stepsheets

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1-4Step right foot to right, step left behind right, step right foot across in front of left, hold
5-8Repeat counts 1-4 to left side
9-10Point right foot to right and hold
&Jump change
11-12Point left toe to left, hold
&13-16Closing left foot, three heel drops, hold
17&18Triple steps to right(side,close,side)
19-20Rock left foot forward across, recover back on right foot
21-24Repeat 17-20 to left
25&26Triple, turn half to right
27-28Rock left foot forward and across, recover back right foot
29-32Repeat 25-28
33-36Rock back right foot, recover forward left, stomp twice on right foot (without weight)
37-40Vine to the right, step left next to right
41-442 half paddle turns right stepping across body left foot almost cross-legged
45&46Cross triple to right (cross left over right lock right behind, forward left)
47-48Point right toe to side & hold
&49Jump change
50Point left foot to left
51Cross left foot behind right
52Unwind half left on count 4
&53Cross right foot in front of left
54-56Unwind half turn left over 3 counts ending weight on right foot
57-60Rock back on left foot, recover right foot, stamp left foot twice
61-64Vine to left & scuff right

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