1-8Step right to the side, slide left next to right, step right, slide left, step right, slide left, stomp right, clap once
9-16Repeat 1-8, moving to the left end with left stomp and clap
17-20Tap right heel forward twice, tap right toe back twice
20-24Tap right heel forward once, right toe back once, touch right foot forward & pivot ¼ turn to left keeping weight on left foot
25-28Repeat 20-24 (completing the half turn)
29-32Grapevine right, end with left foot stomp up (clap optional)
33-36Grapevine left, end with right foot stomp (clap optional)
37-40Pat your right back pocket with your right hand twice, (or clap twice) stomp right foot twice
9-16Repeat 1-8, moving to the left end with left stomp and clap
17-20Tap right heel forward twice, tap right toe back twice
20-24Tap right heel forward once, right toe back once, touch right foot forward & pivot ¼ turn to left keeping weight on left foot
25-28Repeat 20-24 (completing the half turn)
29-32Grapevine right, end with left foot stomp up (clap optional)
33-36Grapevine left, end with right foot stomp (clap optional)
37-40Pat your right back pocket with your right hand twice, (or clap twice) stomp right foot twice