CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Pleasures Of The Flesh

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Mark Simpkin (AUS) & Robin Imms (AUS)
I'll Go On Loving You - Alan Jackson
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1-4Turn on left foot ¼ turn left stepping forward onto right, rock back onto left, pivot on left ¼ turn right touching ball of right to right side, drop weight onto right foot
5-8Turn on right foot ¼ turn right stepping forward onto left, rock back onto right, pivot on right ¼ turn left touching ball of left to left side, drop weight onto left foot
9-12Turn on left foot ¼ left stepping forward on right, pivot ¾ turn left taking weight to left, touch ball of right to right side, drop weight to right foot
13-16Rock back on left, rock forward on right, step left to left side, step right beside left
17-20Step left forward, turn ¼ turn left & step back on right, step left back, hold
21-24Step right beside left, step left forward, step right forward, pivot ½ turn right on right foot
25-28Step left forward, pivot ¾ turn right taking weight on right (right leg is crossed), pivot ½ turn right on ball of right foot bringing left beside right for the turn & take weight to left, hold
29-32Step right back, step left forward, turn ½ turn left on left foot bringing right beside left, hold
32-36Step right to right side, rock back on left, rock forward on right, step left to left side
37-40Rock forward on right, rock back on left, touch ball of right to right side, drop weight to right
41-44Turn ¼ turn left on right foot stepping left back, step right forward, step left forward, pivot on left foot ½ turn right keeping weight on left
45-48Rock back on right, rock forward on left, step right forward, pivot on right foot a full turn left
49-51Step left forward, turn ½ left stepping right back, turn ½ left stepping left forward
52&53Turn ¼ left stepping right to right side, step left beside right, step right forward turning ¼ right
54-56Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right taking weight to right, turn another ½ turn right on right foot bringing left beside right for the turn to finish on left foot
57-60Step/rock right to right side, replace weight to left, touch right beside left, drop weight to right
61-64Step/rock left to left side, replace weight to right turning ¼ right, step left forward, pivot ¼ turn left on left foot

To keep the dance in phrase with the music, there are two tags. On the second wall count 39 is a step right to right side, count 40 is a step left beside right taking weight to left. The dance then starts again from the beginning on count 1. On the fourth wall, do the 1st 8 counts only & restart again from the beginning on count 1.
The dance should be smooth flowing therefore the ¼ turn at the end of the dance & the ¼ turn at the start of the dance should flow into a ½ turn.

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