CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Pass That Bottle Round

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Julie Peacock (AUS)
A Man Is Not A Camel - Tom Curtain
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Sequence: AAB, A(1-24), AB, A (1-32), A to the end

1-2Step right out to right side, step left in place
&3-4Step right next to left and rock out onto left, step onto right
5-6Walk forward left, right
7&8Shuffle forward on left
1-2Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left, weight onto left foot
3&4Shuffle right-left-right
5-6Step forward on left while turning ½ turn right, step back onto right
7&8Left coaster back
1-2Step right out to right, left behind right
&3Step right out to the right, place left heel out at 45
&4Step onto left foot, cross right over left (weight onto right)
5-6Step out to left on left foot as you hinge turn ½ turn right, step out to right
7&8Cross shuffle left across right (moving towards the right)
1-2Step right out to right, left behind right
&3Step right out to the right, place left heel out at 45
&4Step onto left foot, cross right over left (weight onto right)
5-6Step out to left on left foot as you hinge turn ½ turn right, step out to right
7&8Cross shuffle left across right (moving towards the right)
1-2Step out to right, then turn ¼ left, weight onto left foot
3&4Shuffle forward right-left-right
5-6Step forward on left, tap right toe behind left heel
&7Step back onto right, then place left heel forward
&8Step forward left, then tap right next to left
1-2Tap right toe out to right side, place feet together and turn ¼ turn right
3-4Tap left toe out to side, left together
5-6Tap right toe out to side, right together while turning ½ turn degrees right
7-8Tap left out to side and together

1-2Step right to right side, hold
&3-4Slide left together, step right to side, hold
&5Slide left together step right to side turning ¼ to the right
6-8Step left forward, pivot ¾ to right
1-2Step left to side, hold
&3-4Slide right together, step left to side, hold
&5Slide right together, step left to side turning ¼ to the left
6-8Step right forward, pivot ¾ turn
1-2Step out in front 45 degrees on right, step out 45 on left
&3Step right back to center, step left beside right
&4Step right out to side, left out to left
5-6Step right toe behind left foot, tap left heel on floor
7-8Step right toe out to right side (lifting left heel off floor), tap left heel on floor
1-2Step right behind left, step left out to left
3-4Right over in front of left, left to left side
5-6Step onto right, cross left toe over right
7-8Unwind (to the right) ½ turn degrees right, finish with weight on left foot
1Stomp right foot out in front
2-4Tap right heel x 3
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