CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Party In Pink

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Jamie Marshall (USA)
Get the Party Started - P!nk
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Sequence: AB, AB, A, B (counts 1-32), B, AAB

1&2Kick right forward, small step forward on right, point left to left
3&4Kick left forward, small step forward on left, point right to right
5&6Kick right forward, small step forward on right, point left to left
7&8Kick left forward, small step forward on left, point right to right
&9Hitch right, pivot ¼ left bumping hips out, touching right next to left
&10Hitch right, pivot ¼ left bumping hips out, touching right next to left
&11Hitch right, pivot ¼ left bumping hips out, touching right next to left
&12Hitch right, pivot ¼ left bumping hips out, touching right next to left
13-14Extend right arm to right, stepping right to right, extend left arm to left, stepping left to left (shoulder width apart)
15&Bending elbows, make circular motion down and around, repeat to make 2 circles
16Completing second circle, bring both arms behind back to clap, while hitching right
17&18Kick right forward, small step back on right, point left to left
19&20Kick right forward, small step back on right, point left to left
21&22Kick right forward, small step back on right, point left to left
23&24Kick right forward, small step back on right, point left to left
&25Hitch right, pivot ¼ left bumping hips out, touching right next to left
&26Hitch right, pivot ¼ left bumping hips out, touching right next to left
&27Hitch right, pivot ¼ left bumping hips out, touching right next to left
&28Hitch right, pivot ¼ left bumping hips out, touching right next to left
29-30Extend right arm to right, stepping right to right, extend left arm to left, stepping left to left (shoulder width apart)
31&Bending elbows, make circular motion down and around, repeat to make 2 circles
32Completing second circle, bring both arms down to sides taking weight on left

1&2Cross right behind left, step left to left, step right to right
3&4Cross left behind right, step right to right, step left to left
5-6Cross rock right over left, pushing upper body out with arms back and out, recover on left
7&8Scuff right forward, raising right knee high, step right in place, raising left knee high, step left in place
9-10Step right forward, pivot ½ right, taking weight on left
11-12Step right forward, pivot ½ right, taking weight on left
13-16Leaning slightly right, snap 4 times moving wrists out and in, tapping right heel (no weight)
17-18Stepping right to right, bend knees to dip turning shoulders slightly to left, point left to left
19-20Stepping left to left, bend knees to dip turning shoulder slightly to right, point right to right
21-22Stepping right to right, bend knees to dip turning shoulders slightly to left, point left to left
23-24Stepping left to left, bend knees to dip turning shoulders slightly to right, point right to right
25-26Roll right knee and arm inside, to out, ending with palm up
27-28Roll left knee and arm inside, to out, ending with palm up
29Bend knees in, bringing arms in toward each other making "x" with palms down
30Bend knees out, rolling hands up with palms facing back
31Bend knees in, rolling hands in, down and around
32Bend knees out, completing motion with hands up (arms bent at elbows) and palms facing out
33&34With bent arms up (palms facing out), rock right over left (turn slightly to left), recover on left, step right to right
35&36With bent arms up (palms facing out), rock left over right (turn slightly to right), recover on right, step left to left
37&Making fists, drop right down (arms bent at elbow, right fist facing back), point right to right, step right next to left
38&Raising right fist up, dropping left fist, point left to left, step left next to right
39-40Raising left fist up, dropping right fist, point right to right, step right next to left (dropping arms)
41-42Step left to left, cross right behind left
43-44Step left to left, touch right next to left, as roll head down and up to left
45-46Step right to right, cross left behind right
47-48Step right to right, step left next to right
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