1-4Fan left toe out and right heel in, center, repeat
5-8Fan right toe out and left heel in, center, repeat
9-12Touch right heel forward twice, touch right toe back twice
13-16Vine right-left-right, stomp left
17-20Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right, step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right
21-22Stomp left, stomp right
23-26Fan right toe out and left heel in, center, repeat
27-30Fan left toe out and right heel in, center, repeat
31-34Touch left heel forward twice, touch left toe back twice
35-38Vine left-right-left, stomp right
39-42Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left, step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left
43-44Stomp right, stomp left
45-52Rock forward on right, rock back on left, cha, cha, cha ( right left-right ) on the spot, rock forward on left, rock back on right, cha, cha, cha (left-right-left) on the spot
53-56Step right forward, pivot ¼ turn left, stomp to neutral, clap
57-60Jump feet apart, jump crossing left in front of right, up on toes, down on heels
61-64Jump feet apart, jump crossing right in front of left, up on toes, down on heels
65-68Right kick ball change, right kick ball change with ¼ turn left
69-72Clap, clap, stomp right to neutral, stomp left
1-4Fan left toe out and right heel in, center, repeat
5-8Fan right toe out and left heel in, center, repeat
9-12Touch right heel forward twice, touch right toe back twice
13-16Vine right-left-right, stomp left
17-20Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right, step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right
21-22Stomp left, stomp right
23-26Fan right toe out and left heel in, center, repeat
27-30Fan left toe out and right heel in, center, repeat
31-34Touch left heel forward twice, touch left toe back twice
35-38Vine left-right-left, stomp right
39-42Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left, step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left
43-44Stomp right, stomp left
45-52Rock forward on right, rock back on left, cha, cha, cha ( right left-right ) on the spot, rock forward on left, rock back on right, cha, cha, cha (left-right-left) on the spot
53-56Step right forward, pivot ¼ turn left, stomp to neutral, clap
57-60Jump feet apart, jump crossing left in front of right, up on toes, down on heels
61-64Jump feet apart, jump crossing right in front of left, up on toes, down on heels
65-68Right kick ball change, right kick ball change with ¼ turn left
69-72Clap, clap, stomp right to neutral, stomp left