1-4Right toe fan, left toe heel
5-8Right toe fan, left toe heel
9-12Right toe fan, left toe heel
13&Jump back, hold
14Jump back
15Jump back
16-26Step to the right, left behind right, left behind right, left behind right, right-left-right, left kick ball change
27-37Step to the left, right behind left, right behind left, right behind left, left-right-left, right kick ball change
38-46Rock right in front of left, cross/rock right behind left, right forward shuffle, left forward shuffle
47-48Stamp right kick left
49-50Stamp left kick right
51-52Back right, back left together
53-54Forward right, forward left together
55-58Left back cross right over left, step left back and ronde' ½ circle on right
59-62Right back cross left over right, step right back and ronde' ½ circle on left
63-65Left behind right, tap right, left toe heel together
66-67Jump forward and out (clap)
68-69Jump back and in(clap)
70-73Right kick ball change
74-76Right heel ball change with 1/6 paddle left turn
77-79Right heel ball change with 1/6 paddle left turn
80-82Right heel ball change with 1/6 paddle left turn (change walls)
5-8Right toe fan, left toe heel
9-12Right toe fan, left toe heel
13&Jump back, hold
14Jump back
15Jump back
16-26Step to the right, left behind right, left behind right, left behind right, right-left-right, left kick ball change
27-37Step to the left, right behind left, right behind left, right behind left, left-right-left, right kick ball change
38-46Rock right in front of left, cross/rock right behind left, right forward shuffle, left forward shuffle
47-48Stamp right kick left
49-50Stamp left kick right
51-52Back right, back left together
53-54Forward right, forward left together
55-58Left back cross right over left, step left back and ronde' ½ circle on right
59-62Right back cross left over right, step right back and ronde' ½ circle on left
63-65Left behind right, tap right, left toe heel together
66-67Jump forward and out (clap)
68-69Jump back and in(clap)
70-73Right kick ball change
74-76Right heel ball change with 1/6 paddle left turn
77-79Right heel ball change with 1/6 paddle left turn
80-82Right heel ball change with 1/6 paddle left turn (change walls)