1-4Swivel/walk forward right-left-right-left (right steps over left, left over right, right over left, left over right) with a wiggle in the hips
5-8Step forward on right, turn ½ turn left, hold that position for 2 counts & (hip bump left for those 2 count or stand there)
9-12Step right forward, tap right heel 3 times
1-12Repeat above 12 counts starting with left foot
1-2Right toe/heel strut forward (shaking shoulders progressing forward)
3-4Left toe/heel strut forward (shaking shoulders progressing forward)
5-6Right toe/heel strut forward (putting arms up in the air)
7-8Left toe/heel strut forward (putting arms down to sides, palms down)
1-2-3&4Rock forward onto right, rock back onto left, right coaster step
5&6Left cross shuffle to right
7-8-9&10Rock onto right to right, rock onto left to left, right sailor step
1-2-3&4Rock forward onto left, rock back onto right, left coaster step
5&6Right cross shuffle to left
7-8-9&10Rock onto left to left, rock onto right to right, left sailor step turning ¼ turn left
5-8Step forward on right, turn ½ turn left, hold that position for 2 counts & (hip bump left for those 2 count or stand there)
9-12Step right forward, tap right heel 3 times
1-12Repeat above 12 counts starting with left foot
1-2Right toe/heel strut forward (shaking shoulders progressing forward)
3-4Left toe/heel strut forward (shaking shoulders progressing forward)
5-6Right toe/heel strut forward (putting arms up in the air)
7-8Left toe/heel strut forward (putting arms down to sides, palms down)
1-2-3&4Rock forward onto right, rock back onto left, right coaster step
5&6Left cross shuffle to right
7-8-9&10Rock onto right to right, rock onto left to left, right sailor step
1-2-3&4Rock forward onto left, rock back onto right, left coaster step
5&6Right cross shuffle to left
7-8-9&10Rock onto left to left, rock onto right to right, left sailor step turning ¼ turn left