1&2-3&4Shuffle forward twice right-left-right, left-right-left
5&6-7&8Shuffle forward twice right-left-right, left-right-left
1-2-3&4Rock forward on right, rock back on left, turn ¾ turn right triple, step right-left-right
5-6-7&8Rock forward on left, step back on right, step left back, step right back next to left, step left forward (coaster step)
1-2-3-4Turn ¼ turn left & step right to right & hold, turn ¼ turn left & step left to left & hold
5-6-7-8Turn ¼ turn left & step right to right & hold, turn ¼ turn left & step left to left & hold
Styling: if you want to, while doing ¼ turns left & hold, as you start each turn cross hands over & then hands out to side (palms facing to back), on the
hold count!
1-2-3&4Stomp right forward & hold, step right back, step left back next to right, step right forward (coaster step)
5-6-7&8Stomp left forward & hold, step left back, step right back next to left, step left forward (coaster step)
1-2-3&4Rock right to right side, recover on left, step right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left
5-6-7&8Rock left to left side, recover on right, step left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right
1-8Paddle turns x4 each turning ¼ turn left
1-2-3&4Step right forward turning ½ turn left, kick left forward, step left back, step right back next to left, step left forward (coaster step)
5-6-7&8Step right forward turning ½ turn left, kick left forward, step left back, step right back next to left, step left forward (coaster step)
1&2Shuffle forward right-left-right
3-4Step left forward turning full turn right (complete full turn keeping weight on left, hitch/or swing your right leg while turning)
5-6Step right on the spot then left next to right
You will facing the back wall for the first time once you have done these following steps
1-2-3&4Step right forward turning ½ turn left, kick left forward, coaster step
5-6-7&8Step right forward turning ½ turn left, kick left forward, coaster step
Start the dance from the beginning, this restart is only done once.
At the end of the 4th wall:
1-2-3&4Rock right forward, step left back, coaster step
5-6-7&8Rock left forward, step right back, coaster step
1&2Shuffle forward
3-4Step left forward turning full turn right, (complete full turn keeping weight on left, hitch /or swing your right leg while turning)
5-6Step right on the spot, then step left next to right
Variation: if you want to, instead of doing basic forward shuffles, shuffle forward by turning to right
Finish the dance after the shuffles and face the front.
5&6-7&8Shuffle forward twice right-left-right, left-right-left
1-2-3&4Rock forward on right, rock back on left, turn ¾ turn right triple, step right-left-right
5-6-7&8Rock forward on left, step back on right, step left back, step right back next to left, step left forward (coaster step)
1-2-3-4Turn ¼ turn left & step right to right & hold, turn ¼ turn left & step left to left & hold
5-6-7-8Turn ¼ turn left & step right to right & hold, turn ¼ turn left & step left to left & hold
Styling: if you want to, while doing ¼ turns left & hold, as you start each turn cross hands over & then hands out to side (palms facing to back), on the
hold count!
1-2-3&4Stomp right forward & hold, step right back, step left back next to right, step right forward (coaster step)
5-6-7&8Stomp left forward & hold, step left back, step right back next to left, step left forward (coaster step)
1-2-3&4Rock right to right side, recover on left, step right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left
5-6-7&8Rock left to left side, recover on right, step left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right
1-8Paddle turns x4 each turning ¼ turn left
1-2-3&4Step right forward turning ½ turn left, kick left forward, step left back, step right back next to left, step left forward (coaster step)
5-6-7&8Step right forward turning ½ turn left, kick left forward, step left back, step right back next to left, step left forward (coaster step)
1&2Shuffle forward right-left-right
3-4Step left forward turning full turn right (complete full turn keeping weight on left, hitch/or swing your right leg while turning)
5-6Step right on the spot then left next to right
You will facing the back wall for the first time once you have done these following steps
1-2-3&4Step right forward turning ½ turn left, kick left forward, coaster step
5-6-7&8Step right forward turning ½ turn left, kick left forward, coaster step
Start the dance from the beginning, this restart is only done once.
At the end of the 4th wall:
1-2-3&4Rock right forward, step left back, coaster step
5-6-7&8Rock left forward, step right back, coaster step
1&2Shuffle forward
3-4Step left forward turning full turn right, (complete full turn keeping weight on left, hitch /or swing your right leg while turning)
5-6Step right on the spot, then step left next to right
Variation: if you want to, instead of doing basic forward shuffles, shuffle forward by turning to right
Finish the dance after the shuffles and face the front.