CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Love Me Cha Cha

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Tommy Lim Khooi Kooi (MY)
Mexican Girl - Paul Bailey
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Dedicated to the Penang MCA Line Dancers
1-2Step right foot forward, rock back on left foot making ½ turn right
3-4Cha-cha forward - right, left, right, locking left foot behind right foot
5Monterey turn touch left foot to left side
6Turning ½ turn left, step left foot beside right foot
7Touch right foot to right side
8Step right foot beside left foot
9-10Step left foot forward, rock back to right foot
11-12Cha-cha backward and left, right, left locking right foot in front of left foot
13-14Step right back, rock left forward
15-16Making ½ turn to left on left foot, cha-cha backwards locking left foot in front of right foot
17-18Step left foot back, rock forward onto right foot
19-20Step left forward, pivot ¼ right turn, step on right foot
21-22Step left foot across in front of right foot, touch right toe to right side
23-24Step right foot across in front of left foot, touch left toe to left side
25-26Step down left foot to left side, rock right foot to right side
27-28Cha-cha forward - left, right, left, locking right foot behind left foot
29-30Cross right foot in front of left foot, step back on left foot
31-32Making ¼ turn to right on left foot, cha-cha forward - right, left, right, locking left foot behind right foot
33-34Step forward left foot, pivot a ½ turn right
35-36Cha-cha forward - left, right, left, locking right foot behind left foot

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