1-2&3-4Rock right to right, replace weight to left, step right back, step left over right, step right to right
5-6&7-8Rock left to left, replace weight to right, step left back, step right over left, step left to left
1&2Step right behind left, step left to left, step right over left
&3&4Step left to left, step right behind left, step left to left, touch right heel forward at diagonal
&5&6Step right to center, step left over right, step right to right, touch left heel forward at diagonal
&7-8Step left to center, rock right over left, replace weight onto left
1&2-Shuffle to right - right-left-right
3&4¼ turn to right then shuffle to left - left-right-left
5&6¼ turn to right then shuffle to right - right-left-right
7&8¼ turn to right then shuffle to left - left-right-left
Restart here on 5th wall
1-2&Rock right forward, replace weight back to left, step right together
3-4Rock left forward, replace weight back to right
&5&6Step left together, step right forward, step left together, step right forward
&7-8Step left together, step right forward, stomp left together ending with weight on left
During 5th wall (instrumental) dance up to beat 24 and restart dance
Dance was written on Brett's 21st birthday weekend in Brisbane.
5-6&7-8Rock left to left, replace weight to right, step left back, step right over left, step left to left
1&2Step right behind left, step left to left, step right over left
&3&4Step left to left, step right behind left, step left to left, touch right heel forward at diagonal
&5&6Step right to center, step left over right, step right to right, touch left heel forward at diagonal
&7-8Step left to center, rock right over left, replace weight onto left
1&2-Shuffle to right - right-left-right
3&4¼ turn to right then shuffle to left - left-right-left
5&6¼ turn to right then shuffle to right - right-left-right
7&8¼ turn to right then shuffle to left - left-right-left
Restart here on 5th wall
1-2&Rock right forward, replace weight back to left, step right together
3-4Rock left forward, replace weight back to right
&5&6Step left together, step right forward, step left together, step right forward
&7-8Step left together, step right forward, stomp left together ending with weight on left
During 5th wall (instrumental) dance up to beat 24 and restart dance
Dance was written on Brett's 21st birthday weekend in Brisbane.