CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Lead Me On

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Darren Bridgland
Lead Me Not - Lari White
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1-2Large stride/step left foot forward, step right foot slightly forward
3Step left foot slightly forward
4Step right forward
5-6Traveling forward slightly turn full turn right stepping left, right
7-8&9Step left forward, shuffle slightly forward right, left, right
10-11Step left forward, step right to right side swaying hips to right
12Push/sway hips to left (weight transfers to left)
13Step right back and to left side behind left
14-15Touch left toe to left side, hold
16Step left back and to right side behind right
17-18Touch right toe to right side, hold
19-20-21Cross/step right in front of left, unwind full turn left on counts 20-21
Two count turn weight transfers to left
22-23Step right to right side, step left behind right
24Turn ¼ right and step right forward
&Step forward slightly onto left turning full turn right
25-26-27Step right forward, step left forward, rock back onto right
&Step left next to right
28-29-30Step right back, rock forward onto left, step right forward
&Step left next to right
31-32Step right to right side, turn ¼ left and rock/step left forward
33Turn ¼ left and step right to right side
&Turn ¼ left and step left next to right (step 33& complete ½ turn left)
34-35Step right to right side, step left behind right
36Turn ¼ right and step right forward
37-38-39Turn ¼ right and step left to left side, drag right to left on count 38-39
40-41-42Step right to right side, drag left to right on counts 41-42
43Turn ½ turn left and step/stride left forward
44-45Step right slightly forward, step left slightly forward
46-47Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left (weight transfers to left)
&48Turn ½ left on the spot stepping right, left
&Step right back slightly


Done the second time you dance to the rear wall (4th wall). Dance the first 18 counts as normal, then, on the last 6 counts (of the 24 count tag)

19-20Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left, (weight transfers to left)

21Step right forward
22-23&24Large step/stride left forward, shuffle slightly forward right, left, right
Then continue the dance as if nothing happened
The (&) counts on the turns are like small "hop" steps, but are still meant to be smooth and flowing as is the rest of the dance
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