1-2-3Step forward 45 degrees left on left foot, hook right behind left, step left in front of right
4-5-6Step forward on right foot, hook left behind right, step right in front of left
7-8-9Step forward on left, step right forward 45 degrees left, pivot ½ turn left, weight onto left (3 o'clock)
1-2-3Step forward on right, hitch left and extend into a kick
4-5-6Step back left, right beside left, step left in place
1-2-3Step forward 45 degrees right on right foot, hook left behind right, step right in front of left
4-5-6Step forward on left foot, hook right behind left, step left in front of right
7-8-9Step forward on right, step left forward 45 degrees right, pivot ½ turn right, weight onto right (12 o'clock)
1-2-3Step forward on left, hitch right and extend into a kick
4-5-6Step back right, left beside right, step right in place
1-2-3Step left behind right, step right to side, step left beside right
4-5-6Step right behind left, step left to side, step right beside left
1-2-3Step forward at 45 degrees left on left foot, step right beside, step left in place
4-5-6Step forward on right foot turning right (¼ turn 45 degrees), step left together, step right in place (3 o'clock)
1-2-3Step forward on left foot bending both knees, step right beside while rising, step left in place
4-5-6Step back on right foot bending both knees, step left beside while rising, step right in place
1-2-3Step forward at 45 degrees left on left foot, step right beside, step left in place
4-5-6Step forward on right foot turning left on ball of foot (½ turn 45 degrees), step left beside, step right in place (6 o'clock)
4-5-6Step forward on right foot, hook left behind right, step right in front of left
7-8-9Step forward on left, step right forward 45 degrees left, pivot ½ turn left, weight onto left (3 o'clock)
1-2-3Step forward on right, hitch left and extend into a kick
4-5-6Step back left, right beside left, step left in place
1-2-3Step forward 45 degrees right on right foot, hook left behind right, step right in front of left
4-5-6Step forward on left foot, hook right behind left, step left in front of right
7-8-9Step forward on right, step left forward 45 degrees right, pivot ½ turn right, weight onto right (12 o'clock)
1-2-3Step forward on left, hitch right and extend into a kick
4-5-6Step back right, left beside right, step right in place
1-2-3Step left behind right, step right to side, step left beside right
4-5-6Step right behind left, step left to side, step right beside left
1-2-3Step forward at 45 degrees left on left foot, step right beside, step left in place
4-5-6Step forward on right foot turning right (¼ turn 45 degrees), step left together, step right in place (3 o'clock)
1-2-3Step forward on left foot bending both knees, step right beside while rising, step left in place
4-5-6Step back on right foot bending both knees, step left beside while rising, step right in place
1-2-3Step forward at 45 degrees left on left foot, step right beside, step left in place
4-5-6Step forward on right foot turning left on ball of foot (½ turn 45 degrees), step left beside, step right in place (6 o'clock)