Intro: 32 counts, approx. 19 seconds
[1 - 8] Wizard step side swivel swivel ball step, ½ pivot, ½ sweep, sweep
1,2&Step R to R diagonal (1), lock L behind R (2), step R to R diagonal (&)
3&4&Step L to L (3), swivel both heels L (&), return heels (4), step L in towards R (&)
5,6Step R forward, slightly over L (5), ½ L shifting weight to L (6) 6:00
7,8½ L stepping R back sweeping L front to back (7), step L back sweeping R front to back (8) 12:00
[9 - 16] Back w/ pop, mambo step brush push, push, shuffle step, (¼) cross
1,2&Step R back popping L knee (1), rock L back (2), recover onto R (&)
3&4Step L forward (3), brush R forward (&), step R forward leading with knee pushing hips forward (4)
5,6&Push hips back (on chorus look over L shoulder) (5), step R forward (6), step L next to R (&)
7,8Step R forward (7), begin ¼ L crossing L over R (8)
Counts 4-8 should be done slightly facing L diagonal
Restart will occur here on wall 6, you will start facing 9:00 and restart at 6:00 for wall 7
[17 - 24] (¼) Hip roll, touch, hip roll, touch, sailor step touch slide, touch
1,2Finish ¼ L stepping R out to R rolling hips clockwise (1), sit into R and touch L to L with knee popped (2) 9:00
3,4Roll hips counter-clockwise (3), sit into L hip and touch R to R with knee popped (4)
5&6&Cross R behind L (5), step L to L (&), step R to R (6), touch L next to R (&)
7,8Big step L to L (7), touch R behind L (8)
[25 - 32] Press, flick, ¼, ¼, lock step step lock prep, ½ attitude
1,2Press R to R (1), recover onto L flick R behind L (2)
3,4¼ R stepping R forward (3), ¼ R stepping L to L side (4)
5&6&Cross R behind L (5), step L to L diagonal (&), step R to R diagonal (6), cross L behind R (&)
7,8Rock R to R prepping R (7), ½ L taking weight onto L and flicking R back (8)
Last Update: 10 Mar 2025
[1 - 8] Wizard step side swivel swivel ball step, ½ pivot, ½ sweep, sweep
1,2&Step R to R diagonal (1), lock L behind R (2), step R to R diagonal (&)
3&4&Step L to L (3), swivel both heels L (&), return heels (4), step L in towards R (&)
5,6Step R forward, slightly over L (5), ½ L shifting weight to L (6) 6:00
7,8½ L stepping R back sweeping L front to back (7), step L back sweeping R front to back (8) 12:00
[9 - 16] Back w/ pop, mambo step brush push, push, shuffle step, (¼) cross
1,2&Step R back popping L knee (1), rock L back (2), recover onto R (&)
3&4Step L forward (3), brush R forward (&), step R forward leading with knee pushing hips forward (4)
5,6&Push hips back (on chorus look over L shoulder) (5), step R forward (6), step L next to R (&)
7,8Step R forward (7), begin ¼ L crossing L over R (8)
Counts 4-8 should be done slightly facing L diagonal
Restart will occur here on wall 6, you will start facing 9:00 and restart at 6:00 for wall 7
[17 - 24] (¼) Hip roll, touch, hip roll, touch, sailor step touch slide, touch
1,2Finish ¼ L stepping R out to R rolling hips clockwise (1), sit into R and touch L to L with knee popped (2) 9:00
3,4Roll hips counter-clockwise (3), sit into L hip and touch R to R with knee popped (4)
5&6&Cross R behind L (5), step L to L (&), step R to R (6), touch L next to R (&)
7,8Big step L to L (7), touch R behind L (8)
[25 - 32] Press, flick, ¼, ¼, lock step step lock prep, ½ attitude
1,2Press R to R (1), recover onto L flick R behind L (2)
3,4¼ R stepping R forward (3), ¼ R stepping L to L side (4)
5&6&Cross R behind L (5), step L to L diagonal (&), step R to R diagonal (6), cross L behind R (&)
7,8Rock R to R prepping R (7), ½ L taking weight onto L and flicking R back (8)
Last Update: 10 Mar 2025