Start after 32 counts (count from Gucci) (14 seconds)
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Section 1: R Rocking chair, Jazz box quarter turn R
1-4Rock fwd on R, recover L, rock back on R recover L
5-8Step R fwd across L, Step back L, step R ¼ turn to R, step L together
Section 2: R Rocking chair, Walk 4 (R L R L) half turn right
1-4Rock fwd on R, recover L, rock back on R recover L
5-8Walk half turn to right, R L R L
Section 3: K Step
1-4Step R fwd to R, tap L, Step L back to L, tap R
5-8Step R back to R, tap L, Step L fwd to L tap R
Section 4: Stamp R, L, fan heel in/out R, L, sway R and L
1,2Stamp R foot to R, Stamp L foot to L
3,4Fan R heel in/out
5,6Fan L heel in/out
7,8Sway hips R then L
If you want to have a bit of fun, please do add arms/hands as per the video.
No tags or restarts.
Section 1: R Rocking chair, Jazz box quarter turn R
1-4Rock fwd on R, recover L, rock back on R recover L
5-8Step R fwd across L, Step back L, step R ¼ turn to R, step L together
Section 2: R Rocking chair, Walk 4 (R L R L) half turn right
1-4Rock fwd on R, recover L, rock back on R recover L
5-8Walk half turn to right, R L R L
Section 3: K Step
1-4Step R fwd to R, tap L, Step L back to L, tap R
5-8Step R back to R, tap L, Step L fwd to L tap R
Section 4: Stamp R, L, fan heel in/out R, L, sway R and L
1,2Stamp R foot to R, Stamp L foot to L
3,4Fan R heel in/out
5,6Fan L heel in/out
7,8Sway hips R then L
If you want to have a bit of fun, please do add arms/hands as per the video.