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Beautiful Madness

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Phrased Intermediate
Judi Sunich (NZ) - January 2024
Beautiful Madness - Michael Patrick Kelly
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Intro: 8 Counts, start at 8 seconds
Sequence: A, B, A, B, C, C, B - No Tags or restarts

PART A: (36 count)
SEC 1: Right and Left Dorothy steps, across, step back right and left
1, 2 &Step R foot forward to R diagonal, step L foot behind R, change weight to R,
3, 4 &Step L foot forward to L diagonal, step R foot behind L, change weight to L
5 & 6Step R across L step back L step R to R
7 & 8Step L across R step back R step L to L

SEC 2: Right side rock recover together, left side rock recover together, 2 x ¼ left paddle turns
1, 2 &R rock weight R recover weight L step R next to L
3, 4 &L rock weight L recover weight R step L next to R
5, 6Step R forward ¼ turn over L shoulder
7, 8Step R Forward ¼ turn over L shoulder

SEC 3: Side rock right, behind side cross, side rock left, behind side cross
1,2Side rock weight to R recover L
3 & 4Step R behind L step L to L cross R over L
5, 6Side rock weight to L recover R
7 & 8Step L behind R step R to R cross L over R

SEC 4: Cross rock, recover, cross triple step, right then left, cross and cross, side rock, step together.
1, 2Angling body to L diagonal sweep R stepping across L (close in front of L) recover weight to L
3 & 4Cross triple step R L R
5, 6Sweeping L from behind, angling body to R diagonal, step L across R (close in front of R) recover weight to R
7 & 8Cross triple step L R L
9 & 10Sweeping R from behind angling body to L diagonal triple step R L R
11 & 12L side rock weight L recover R L

PART B: (48 count)
SEC 1: Forward rock side rock Sailor R, Forward rock side rock Sailor L
1 & 2 &R Press weight forward R recover L press weight to side R recover L
3 & 4Swing R behind L step L slightly L recover R
5 & 6 &L Press weight forward L recover R Press weight to side L recover R
7 & 8Swing L behind R step R slightly R recover L

SEC 2: Forward rock side rock sailor R step L rock back recover, R rock back recover
1 & 2 &R Press weight forward R recover L press weight to side R recover L
3 & 4Swing R behind L step L slightly L recover R
5, 6 &Step L to L rock back R slightly behind L, recover weight to L
7, 8 &Step R to R rock back L slightly behind R, recover weight to R

SEC 3: Forward rock side rock Sailor L, Forward rock side rock Sailor R
1 & 2 &L Press weight forward L recover R press weight to side L recover R
3 & 4Swing L behind R step R slightly R recover L
5 & 6 &R Press weight forward R recover L Press weight to side R recover L
7 & 8Swing R behind L step L slightly L recover R

SEC 4: Forward rock side rock sailor L step R rock back recover, L rock back recover
1 & 2 &L Press weight forward L recover R press weight to side L recover R
3 & 4Swing L behind R step R slightly R recover L
5, 6 &Step R to R rock back L slightly behind R, recover weight to R
7, 8 &Step L to L rock back R slightly behind L, recover weight to L

SEC 5: R diagonal triple step scuff L diagonal triple step scuff R 1/8 R together L x 4 1/8 turns (half turn)
1 & 2 &R to R diagonal triple step R L R scuff L
3 & 4 &L to L diagonal triple step L R L scuff R
5 & 6 &Step R, L tog, making a 1/8 turn R x 2
7 & 8 &Step R, L tog, making a 1/8 turn R x 2 scuff L

SEC 6: L diagonal triple step scuff R diagonal triple step scuff L 1/8 L together R x 4 1/8 turns (half turn)
1 & 2 &L to L diagonal triple step L R L scuff R
3 & 4 &R to R diagonal triple step R L R scuff L
5 & 6 &Step L, R tog, making a 1/8 turn L x 2
7 & 8 &Step L, R tog, making a 1/8 turn L x 2 scuff R

PART C: (16 count)
SEC 1: R L skate skate stomp L in front twist heels R & centre, R L R pony back, L ½ sailor turn
1, 2R push forward diagonal weight R, L push forward diagonal weight L
3 & 4Stomp R forward twist both heels R then centre
5 & 6Step back R weight R forward L back R
7 & 8Swing L behind L sailor ½ turn over L shoulder

SEC 2: R L skate skate stomp L in front twist heels R & centre, R L R pony back, L R L pony back
1, 2R push forward diagonal weight R, L push forward diagonal weight L
3 & 4Stomp R forward twist both heels R then centre
5 & 6Step back R weight R forward L back R
7 & 8Step back L weight L forward R back

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