Note: The dance starts after 8 counts
RF = Right foot; LF = Left foot
Sect 1: side-rock kick-stomp r, heel-split, back rock
1-2Step RF to the right, lifting LF slightly – Weight back on LF
3-4Kick RF forward – Stomp RF forward
5-6Turn both heels out – Turn both heels back to center
7-8Light jump, step RF back – Weight back on LF
Sect 2: step-lock-step, scuff, step ½ pivot turn r, ½ turn r back, hold
1-2Step RF forward – Lock LF behind RF
3-4Step RF forward – Scuff LF forward next to RF
5-6Step LF forward – ½ turn right on both balls of the feet (Weight ends on RF)
7-8½ turn right on LF, step back – Hold (12:00)
Wall 8: Ending here: Plus an additional ½ turn right on RF, stomp forward
Sect 3: point r, step back, point l, step back, coaster step with stomp
1-2Tap RF toe to the right, step RF back
3-4Tap LF toe to the left, step LF back
5-6Step RF back, step LF next to RF
7-8Step RF forward, stomp LF forward
Sec.4: kick fwd (2x), back rock, side, scuff, side, stomp up
1-2Kick RF forward (2x)
3-4Step back with RF, lift LF slightly – Weight back on LF
5-6Step RF to the right – Scuff LF forward next to RF
7-8Step LF to the left – Stomp RF next to LF (Weight on LF)
Restart on Wall 6
Sect 5: grapevine r with hook, ¼ rock ¼ l, scuff r
1-2Step RF to the right – Cross LF behind RF
3-4Step RF to the right – Cross LF in front of RF shin as a hook
5-6Step LF with a ¼ turn left (Lift RF slightly) – Weight back on RF with a ¼ turn left
7-8Step LF to the left – Scuff RF forward
Sect 6: rock forward, ½ turn right, stomp up l, scissors cross, Hold
1-2Step RF forward, lift LF slightly, weight back on LF
3-4½ turn right on LF, step RF forward, stomp LF next to RF without changing weight
5-6Step LF diagonally back left – Step RF next to LF
7-8Cross LF over RF, Hold
Restart on Wall 5
Sect 7: Kick (2x), ½ turn with step fwd, hold, jumping jazzbox with stomp up
1-2Kick RF forward (2x)
3-4Step RF forward with a ½ turn right, Hold
5-6Cross LF over RF, step RF back
7-8Step LF to the left, stomp RF up next to LF
Sect 8: Hitch back r, l, back rock, stomp r+l
1-2Lift right knee, turn slightly to the right, and step back with RF
3-4Lift left knee, turn slightly to the left, and step back with LF
5-6Step RF back, lift LF slightly, weight back on LF
7-8Stomp RF – Stomp LF next to RF
Tag (Walls 2, 4, and 7 replace Section 5 and 6)
Sect 5: stomp, 3* hold, stomp, 3* hold
1-2Stomp RF to the right – Hold
3-4Hold – Hold
5-6Stomp LF to the left (Weight stays on LF) – Hold
7-8Hold – Hold
Sect 6: scissors cross r+l with hold
1-2Step RF diagonally back right – Step LF next to RF
3-4Cross RF over LF – Hold
5-6Step LF diagonally back left – Step RF next to LF
7-8Cross LF over RF – Hold
Repeat until the end
The music slows down slightly on 7th wall. We adjust to the music starting at Section 7: (Kick (2x), ½ turn with step forward, hold, jumping jazzbox with stomp up).
RF = Right foot; LF = Left foot
Sect 1: side-rock kick-stomp r, heel-split, back rock
1-2Step RF to the right, lifting LF slightly – Weight back on LF
3-4Kick RF forward – Stomp RF forward
5-6Turn both heels out – Turn both heels back to center
7-8Light jump, step RF back – Weight back on LF
Sect 2: step-lock-step, scuff, step ½ pivot turn r, ½ turn r back, hold
1-2Step RF forward – Lock LF behind RF
3-4Step RF forward – Scuff LF forward next to RF
5-6Step LF forward – ½ turn right on both balls of the feet (Weight ends on RF)
7-8½ turn right on LF, step back – Hold (12:00)
Wall 8: Ending here: Plus an additional ½ turn right on RF, stomp forward
Sect 3: point r, step back, point l, step back, coaster step with stomp
1-2Tap RF toe to the right, step RF back
3-4Tap LF toe to the left, step LF back
5-6Step RF back, step LF next to RF
7-8Step RF forward, stomp LF forward
Sec.4: kick fwd (2x), back rock, side, scuff, side, stomp up
1-2Kick RF forward (2x)
3-4Step back with RF, lift LF slightly – Weight back on LF
5-6Step RF to the right – Scuff LF forward next to RF
7-8Step LF to the left – Stomp RF next to LF (Weight on LF)
Restart on Wall 6
Sect 5: grapevine r with hook, ¼ rock ¼ l, scuff r
1-2Step RF to the right – Cross LF behind RF
3-4Step RF to the right – Cross LF in front of RF shin as a hook
5-6Step LF with a ¼ turn left (Lift RF slightly) – Weight back on RF with a ¼ turn left
7-8Step LF to the left – Scuff RF forward
Sect 6: rock forward, ½ turn right, stomp up l, scissors cross, Hold
1-2Step RF forward, lift LF slightly, weight back on LF
3-4½ turn right on LF, step RF forward, stomp LF next to RF without changing weight
5-6Step LF diagonally back left – Step RF next to LF
7-8Cross LF over RF, Hold
Restart on Wall 5
Sect 7: Kick (2x), ½ turn with step fwd, hold, jumping jazzbox with stomp up
1-2Kick RF forward (2x)
3-4Step RF forward with a ½ turn right, Hold
5-6Cross LF over RF, step RF back
7-8Step LF to the left, stomp RF up next to LF
Sect 8: Hitch back r, l, back rock, stomp r+l
1-2Lift right knee, turn slightly to the right, and step back with RF
3-4Lift left knee, turn slightly to the left, and step back with LF
5-6Step RF back, lift LF slightly, weight back on LF
7-8Stomp RF – Stomp LF next to RF
Tag (Walls 2, 4, and 7 replace Section 5 and 6)
Sect 5: stomp, 3* hold, stomp, 3* hold
1-2Stomp RF to the right – Hold
3-4Hold – Hold
5-6Stomp LF to the left (Weight stays on LF) – Hold
7-8Hold – Hold
Sect 6: scissors cross r+l with hold
1-2Step RF diagonally back right – Step LF next to RF
3-4Cross RF over LF – Hold
5-6Step LF diagonally back left – Step RF next to LF
7-8Cross LF over RF – Hold
Repeat until the end
The music slows down slightly on 7th wall. We adjust to the music starting at Section 7: (Kick (2x), ½ turn with step forward, hold, jumping jazzbox with stomp up).