High Beginner - waltz
No Tag, No Restart
Intro: 57 counts, Start at approximately 35 secs
Section 1 : L Twinkle , R Weave, Sweep
1-2-3Cross left slightly across right , Step right to right diagonal , Step left to left diagonal
4-5-6Cross right over left, Step left to left side, Cross right behind left with Sweeping left from front to back
Section 2 : L Weave , Step Side , Drag
1-2-3Step left behind right, Step right to right side, Cross left over right
4-5-6Step right to right side , Drag left in over 2 counts
Section 3 : L Rolling Full Turn , R Twinkle 1/2 turn
1-2-3Turn 1/4 left stepping forward on left , Turn 1/2 left step back on right , Turn 1/4 left step left to side
Easy option: L Vine step
(1) Step left to left , (2) cross right behind left , (3) step left to left
4-5-6Cross right over left , Make 1/4 turn right step back on left , Make 1/4 turn right step right to side (6:00)
Section 4 : Step Forward , Pivot 1/4 , Step Forward , Drag
1-2-3Step left forward , Step right forward , pivot 1/4 left transferring weight onto left (3:00)
4-5-6Step right forward , Drag left in over 2 counts
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Intro: 57 counts, Start at approximately 35 secs
Section 1 : L Twinkle , R Weave, Sweep
1-2-3Cross left slightly across right , Step right to right diagonal , Step left to left diagonal
4-5-6Cross right over left, Step left to left side, Cross right behind left with Sweeping left from front to back
Section 2 : L Weave , Step Side , Drag
1-2-3Step left behind right, Step right to right side, Cross left over right
4-5-6Step right to right side , Drag left in over 2 counts
Section 3 : L Rolling Full Turn , R Twinkle 1/2 turn
1-2-3Turn 1/4 left stepping forward on left , Turn 1/2 left step back on right , Turn 1/4 left step left to side
Easy option: L Vine step
(1) Step left to left , (2) cross right behind left , (3) step left to left
4-5-6Cross right over left , Make 1/4 turn right step back on left , Make 1/4 turn right step right to side (6:00)
Section 4 : Step Forward , Pivot 1/4 , Step Forward , Drag
1-2-3Step left forward , Step right forward , pivot 1/4 left transferring weight onto left (3:00)
4-5-6Step right forward , Drag left in over 2 counts
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