Hello Cowboy - Maja Francisou:
Drinkin' Problem - Midland
Don’t Trust That Boat - The Deathfather
Intro: 8 counts
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[1-8] Right chasse, back rock. Shuffle forward, Rock step.
1&2,3,4Step right to the right side. Close left beside right. Rock back on left, recover forward onto right.
5&6, 7,8Step left forward close right behind left, step left forward. Rock forward onto right. Recover back on the left.
[9-16] Heel Bounce, Coaster step & Step touch.
1,2,3,4Put the right toe back behind the left foot and bounce three times while doing a half turn to the right. Keep weight on your left leg.
5&6,7,8Put the right foot back, put the left foot beside the right and put the right foot in front. Put the left foot out to the left and touch the right foot next to left.
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[1-8] Right chasse, back rock. Shuffle forward, Rock step.
1&2,3,4Step right to the right side. Close left beside right. Rock back on left, recover forward onto right.
5&6, 7,8Step left forward close right behind left, step left forward. Rock forward onto right. Recover back on the left.
[9-16] Heel Bounce, Coaster step & Step touch.
1,2,3,4Put the right toe back behind the left foot and bounce three times while doing a half turn to the right. Keep weight on your left leg.
5&6,7,8Put the right foot back, put the left foot beside the right and put the right foot in front. Put the left foot out to the left and touch the right foot next to left.