High Beginner
gewidmet den Blue Wave Dancers zum 5-jährigen Vereinsjubiläum 2025
Tag after wall 3
Intro: start after 32c or approx. 19sec
[1-8] Dorothy x2, Heel x2, Step ¼ Turn
1-2&Step RF to the right diagonal (1),Step LF behind RF (2), Step RF next to LF (&)
3-4&Step LF in to the left diagonal (3), Step RF behind LF (4), Step LF next to RF (&)
5&6&Touch R Heel in front (5), Step RF next to LF (&), Touch L Heel in front (5), Step LF next to RF (&)
7-8Step RF forward (7), Turn ¼ L and put weight onto LF (8) (9:00)
[9-16] Cross – Hold, Ball – Behind – Side, Cross Rock, Chassé R
1-2&Cross RF over LF (1), Hold (2), Step LF ball to the left (&)
3-4Cross RF behind LF (3), Step LF to the left (4)
5-6Cross RF over LF (5), Recover to LF (6)
7&8Step RF to the right (7), Step LF next to RF (&), Step RF to the right (8)
[17-24] Weave, Point, Cross-Point x2
1-2Cross LF over RF (1), Step RF to the right (2)
3-4Cross LF behind RF (3) Point Rf to the right (4)
5-6Cross RF over LF (5), Point LF to the side (6)
7-8Cross LF over RF (7), Point RF to the side (8)
[25-32] Rocking Chair, ¼ Touch, ¼ Scuff
1-2Step RF forward (1), Recover to LF (2)
3-4Step RF back (3), Recover to LF(4)
5-6Turn ¼ L and step RF to the side (5), Touch LF next to RF (6) (6:00)
7-8Turn ¼ L and step LF forward (7) Scuff RF next to LF (8) (3:00)
Tag – Out Out In In (after wall 3)
1-2Step RF in right diagonal (1), Step LF in left diagonal (2)
3-4Step RF back to center (3), Step LF back to center (4) – Restart the dance afterwards
Tag after wall 3
Intro: start after 32c or approx. 19sec
[1-8] Dorothy x2, Heel x2, Step ¼ Turn
1-2&Step RF to the right diagonal (1),Step LF behind RF (2), Step RF next to LF (&)
3-4&Step LF in to the left diagonal (3), Step RF behind LF (4), Step LF next to RF (&)
5&6&Touch R Heel in front (5), Step RF next to LF (&), Touch L Heel in front (5), Step LF next to RF (&)
7-8Step RF forward (7), Turn ¼ L and put weight onto LF (8) (9:00)
[9-16] Cross – Hold, Ball – Behind – Side, Cross Rock, Chassé R
1-2&Cross RF over LF (1), Hold (2), Step LF ball to the left (&)
3-4Cross RF behind LF (3), Step LF to the left (4)
5-6Cross RF over LF (5), Recover to LF (6)
7&8Step RF to the right (7), Step LF next to RF (&), Step RF to the right (8)
[17-24] Weave, Point, Cross-Point x2
1-2Cross LF over RF (1), Step RF to the right (2)
3-4Cross LF behind RF (3) Point Rf to the right (4)
5-6Cross RF over LF (5), Point LF to the side (6)
7-8Cross LF over RF (7), Point RF to the side (8)
[25-32] Rocking Chair, ¼ Touch, ¼ Scuff
1-2Step RF forward (1), Recover to LF (2)
3-4Step RF back (3), Recover to LF(4)
5-6Turn ¼ L and step RF to the side (5), Touch LF next to RF (6) (6:00)
7-8Turn ¼ L and step LF forward (7) Scuff RF next to LF (8) (3:00)
Tag – Out Out In In (after wall 3)
1-2Step RF in right diagonal (1), Step LF in left diagonal (2)
3-4Step RF back to center (3), Step LF back to center (4) – Restart the dance afterwards