Phrased Improver
Styling option: This dance is best danced in “Catalan Style” where you would dance all rocksteps in a “jumping style”.
[1-8] Heel Switches, Jazzbox w/ Cross
1, 2, 3, 4Point R heel fwd (1), Step RF next to LF (2), Point L heel fwd (3), Step LF next to RF (4)
5, 6, 7, 8Cross RF in front of LF (5), Step LF back (6), Step RF to R (7), Cross LF in front of RF (8)
[9-16] Side, Touches, Grapevine
9, 10, 11, 12Step RF to R (9), Touch LF next to RF (10), Point LF to L (11), Touch LF next to RF (12)
13, 14, 15, 16Step LF to L (13), Cross RF behind LF (14), ¼ turn L and step LF fwd (15), Scuff RF (16)
[17-24] 2 x Slow Pivot Turn /w Clap
17, 18, 19, 20Step RF fwd (17), Clap (18), 1/2 turn L and recover weight onto LF (19), Clap (20)
21, 22, 23, 24Step RF fwd (17), Clap (18), 1/4 turn L and recover weight onto LF (19), Clap (20)
[25-32] Walks, Stomp, Monterey Turn
25, 26, 27, 28Step RF fwd (25), Step LF fwd (26), Stomp RF (27), Stomp RF (28)
29, 30, 31, 32Point RF to R (29), ½ turn R and Step RF next to LF (30), Point LF to L (31), Step LF next to RF (32)
[1-8] Cross Rocks
1, 2, 3Cross RF in front of LF (1), Recover weight back onto LF (2), Step RF to R (3)
4, 5, 6Cross LF in front of RF (4), Recover weight back onto RF (5), ¼ Turn L and Step LF fwd (6)
7, 8Step RF fwd (7), Recover weight back onto LF (8)
[9-16] Back Rocks w/ Stomps
9, 10, 11, 12Step RF back (9), Recover weight back onto LF (10), Stomp RF (11), Stomp RF (12)
13, 14, 15, 16Repeat 9-12
[17-24] 2 x Pivot Turn, Back Rock w/ Stomps
17, 18, 19, 20Step RF fwd (17), 1/2 turn L and recover weight onto LF (18), Step RF fwd (19), 1/2 turn L and recover weight onto LF (20)
21, 22, 23, 24Repeat 9-12
[25-32] Back Rock /w Stomps, 2 x Pivot Turn
25, 26, 27, 28Repeat 9-12
29, 30, 31, 32Repeat 17-20
The restart happens within the 5th time of doing Part A, after 16 counts.
At the restart wall, only do counts 1 – 14 and change 15, 16 as follows:
15, 16Step LF to L (15), Touch RF next to LF (16)
Styling option: This dance is best danced in “Catalan Style” where you would dance all rocksteps in a “jumping style”.
[1-8] Heel Switches, Jazzbox w/ Cross
1, 2, 3, 4Point R heel fwd (1), Step RF next to LF (2), Point L heel fwd (3), Step LF next to RF (4)
5, 6, 7, 8Cross RF in front of LF (5), Step LF back (6), Step RF to R (7), Cross LF in front of RF (8)
[9-16] Side, Touches, Grapevine
9, 10, 11, 12Step RF to R (9), Touch LF next to RF (10), Point LF to L (11), Touch LF next to RF (12)
13, 14, 15, 16Step LF to L (13), Cross RF behind LF (14), ¼ turn L and step LF fwd (15), Scuff RF (16)
[17-24] 2 x Slow Pivot Turn /w Clap
17, 18, 19, 20Step RF fwd (17), Clap (18), 1/2 turn L and recover weight onto LF (19), Clap (20)
21, 22, 23, 24Step RF fwd (17), Clap (18), 1/4 turn L and recover weight onto LF (19), Clap (20)
[25-32] Walks, Stomp, Monterey Turn
25, 26, 27, 28Step RF fwd (25), Step LF fwd (26), Stomp RF (27), Stomp RF (28)
29, 30, 31, 32Point RF to R (29), ½ turn R and Step RF next to LF (30), Point LF to L (31), Step LF next to RF (32)
[1-8] Cross Rocks
1, 2, 3Cross RF in front of LF (1), Recover weight back onto LF (2), Step RF to R (3)
4, 5, 6Cross LF in front of RF (4), Recover weight back onto RF (5), ¼ Turn L and Step LF fwd (6)
7, 8Step RF fwd (7), Recover weight back onto LF (8)
[9-16] Back Rocks w/ Stomps
9, 10, 11, 12Step RF back (9), Recover weight back onto LF (10), Stomp RF (11), Stomp RF (12)
13, 14, 15, 16Repeat 9-12
[17-24] 2 x Pivot Turn, Back Rock w/ Stomps
17, 18, 19, 20Step RF fwd (17), 1/2 turn L and recover weight onto LF (18), Step RF fwd (19), 1/2 turn L and recover weight onto LF (20)
21, 22, 23, 24Repeat 9-12
[25-32] Back Rock /w Stomps, 2 x Pivot Turn
25, 26, 27, 28Repeat 9-12
29, 30, 31, 32Repeat 17-20
The restart happens within the 5th time of doing Part A, after 16 counts.
At the restart wall, only do counts 1 – 14 and change 15, 16 as follows:
15, 16Step LF to L (15), Touch RF next to LF (16)