Easy Intermediate
Intro: 4 Counts (Singer counts you in)
SEC 1 Forward tap back hook, lock step forward, step ½ , rock forward coaster cross
1&Step forward right touch left toe behind right heel
2&.Step back on left, hook right in front of left
3&4Lock step forward right (12)
5&Step forward left ½ pivot turn (weight on right) (6)
6&Rock forward left recover
7&8Left coaster cross
SEC 2 Forward rumba, lock back, step back forward brush
1&2&Step right to right, step left beside right, step forward right, tap left beside right
3&4&Step left to left, step right beside left, step back on left, slightly hitch right
5&6Right lock step back
7&8&Step back left, touch right toe in front of left, step forward right, brush left forward (6)
SEC 3 Lock forward left, step right ¼ cross, half hinge cross, step tap back flick
1&2Lock step forward left
3&4Step forward right, pivot ¼ left, cross step right over left (3)
5&6Step left to left turning ¼ right, step right to right turning ¼ right, cross step left over right (9)
7&8&Step forward right diagonal, touch left toe behind right heel, step back left diagonal, low kick
forward right
SEC 4 Extended weave to left, side rock left recover, crossing toe strut, ¼ strut, ¼ strut turning left
1&2&Right behind left, left to left, right in front, left to left,
3&4Right behind left, left to left, right in front
5&6&Side rock left, recover onto right, crossing left toe strut over right
7&8&Toe strut right turning ¼ left (6), toe strut left turning ¼ left (3)
SEC 1 Forward tap back hook, lock step forward, step ½ , rock forward coaster cross
1&Step forward right touch left toe behind right heel
2&.Step back on left, hook right in front of left
3&4Lock step forward right (12)
5&Step forward left ½ pivot turn (weight on right) (6)
6&Rock forward left recover
7&8Left coaster cross
SEC 2 Forward rumba, lock back, step back forward brush
1&2&Step right to right, step left beside right, step forward right, tap left beside right
3&4&Step left to left, step right beside left, step back on left, slightly hitch right
5&6Right lock step back
7&8&Step back left, touch right toe in front of left, step forward right, brush left forward (6)
SEC 3 Lock forward left, step right ¼ cross, half hinge cross, step tap back flick
1&2Lock step forward left
3&4Step forward right, pivot ¼ left, cross step right over left (3)
5&6Step left to left turning ¼ right, step right to right turning ¼ right, cross step left over right (9)
7&8&Step forward right diagonal, touch left toe behind right heel, step back left diagonal, low kick
forward right
SEC 4 Extended weave to left, side rock left recover, crossing toe strut, ¼ strut, ¼ strut turning left
1&2&Right behind left, left to left, right in front, left to left,
3&4Right behind left, left to left, right in front
5&6&Side rock left, recover onto right, crossing left toe strut over right
7&8&Toe strut right turning ¼ left (6), toe strut left turning ¼ left (3)