Beginner - Contra
(1-8) RF Stomp, heel bounce x3, LF, heel bouncex3
1,2,3,4Stomp RF fwd (1), lift your RF heel and return heel to floor (2), lift your RF heel and return heel to floor (3), lift your RF heel and return heel to floor (4)
5,6,7,8Stomp LF fwd (5), lift your RF heel and return heel to floor (6), lift your RF heel and return heel to floor (7), lift your RF heel and return heel to floor (8)
(9-16) Rocking chair, rock step and heel, clap, clap
1,2,3,4Rock RF fwd, recover weight onto LF, rock RF back, recover weight onto LF
5,6,&7&8Rock RF fwd, recover weight onto LF, step back on RF, place LF heel fwd, clap, clap
(17-24) LF Rock step, behind, side, cross, RF Rock step, behind, side cross
1,2,3&4Rock LF to left side, recover weight onto RF, step LF behind RF, step RF to right side, cross LF over RF
5,6,7&8Rock RF to right side, recover weight onto LF, step RF behind LF, step LF to left side, cross RF over LF
(25-32) LF shuffle fwd, RF shuffle fwd, pivot ½ turn, stomp, touch
1&2, 3&4Step LF fwd, step, RF next to LF, step LF fwd, Step RF fwd, step, LF next to RF, step RF fwd
5,6,7,8Step LF fwd, pivot ½ to the right, stomp LF in place, touch RF next to LF
1,2,3,4Stomp RF fwd (1), lift your RF heel and return heel to floor (2), lift your RF heel and return heel to floor (3), lift your RF heel and return heel to floor (4)
5,6,7,8Stomp LF fwd (5), lift your RF heel and return heel to floor (6), lift your RF heel and return heel to floor (7), lift your RF heel and return heel to floor (8)
(9-16) Rocking chair, rock step and heel, clap, clap
1,2,3,4Rock RF fwd, recover weight onto LF, rock RF back, recover weight onto LF
5,6,&7&8Rock RF fwd, recover weight onto LF, step back on RF, place LF heel fwd, clap, clap
(17-24) LF Rock step, behind, side, cross, RF Rock step, behind, side cross
1,2,3&4Rock LF to left side, recover weight onto RF, step LF behind RF, step RF to right side, cross LF over RF
5,6,7&8Rock RF to right side, recover weight onto LF, step RF behind LF, step LF to left side, cross RF over LF
(25-32) LF shuffle fwd, RF shuffle fwd, pivot ½ turn, stomp, touch
1&2, 3&4Step LF fwd, step, RF next to LF, step LF fwd, Step RF fwd, step, LF next to RF, step RF fwd
5,6,7,8Step LF fwd, pivot ½ to the right, stomp LF in place, touch RF next to LF