The dance begins after 32 beats with the use of singing
S1 Walk 2, rock forward- side , back 2, ¼ turn l/chassé l
1-22 steps forward (r - l)
3Step forward with the right ( only put the heel on )
&4Weight back on left foot and step right with right foot
5-62 steps backwards ( l – r ) turning the heels slightly inwards
7¼ turn left and step left with left
&8Sit right foot against left and step left with left ( 9:00 )
S2 1/8 turn l/rock forward-rock back-1/4 turn r/locking shuffle forward, 1/8 turn l & step , lock , stomp
1&1/8 turn to the left, step forward with the right ( only put the heel on ) and weight back on the left foot ( 7:30 )
2&Step backwards with right foot and weight back on left foot
3&41/4 Turn to the right and step forward with the right, cross the left foot behind the right and step forward with the right ( 10:30 )
5&61/8 Turn left and step to the left with left-right foot to the left and step forward with the left ( 9:00 )
7-8Cross your right foot behind your left foot - stamp your left foot on the spot
S1 Walk 2, rock forward- side , back 2, ¼ turn l/chassé l
1-22 steps forward (r - l)
3Step forward with the right ( only put the heel on )
&4Weight back on left foot and step right with right foot
5-62 steps backwards ( l – r ) turning the heels slightly inwards
7¼ turn left and step left with left
&8Sit right foot against left and step left with left ( 9:00 )
S2 1/8 turn l/rock forward-rock back-1/4 turn r/locking shuffle forward, 1/8 turn l & step , lock , stomp
1&1/8 turn to the left, step forward with the right ( only put the heel on ) and weight back on the left foot ( 7:30 )
2&Step backwards with right foot and weight back on left foot
3&41/4 Turn to the right and step forward with the right, cross the left foot behind the right and step forward with the right ( 10:30 )
5&61/8 Turn left and step to the left with left-right foot to the left and step forward with the left ( 9:00 )
7-8Cross your right foot behind your left foot - stamp your left foot on the spot